goal - $1 million

campus improvements

Choosing among door #1, #2 or #3 is a fun game show.
When trying to find your way into the school? Not so much.

Increased emphasis on safety and security indicates the need for a clear entrance into the building.

Our rambling school facilities, a series of add-ons through the years, are charming, beautiful and well-maintained. But a re-established, easy to find and easily accessible front entrance and a performing arts space must be created to help the school remain competitive in the independent school arena. This is a comment that comes up time and again. Increased emphasis on safety and security drives home the need for a clear entrance into the building.

PHASE 1A of the campaign calls for site work that will set the stage for the rest of the Long Range Facility Plan. It will include grading and excavation, foundation preparation, installation of sewer and infiltration systems, utilities, driveways and shifted parking areas.

PHASE 1B of the campaign calls for a performing arts and communal gathering space.

With an eye on our bicentennial in 2018, we are focusing our efforts on PHASE 1A.

Campus Improvements - Maureen Glavin, RSCJ