We Want to be Counter-Cultural

TinaMeier1Last night’s parent presentation by Tina Meier of the Megan Meier Foundation was absolutely spectacular! I think you know her story. The Meiers were flung into the national spotlight when their daughter Megan, after having endured both bullying and cyber-bullying, took her life at the age of 13.

Mrs. Meier was an amazing, energetic presenter with a full spectrum of information, not just about her own experience as a mom, but about bullying and cyber-bullying in general in our world.

Today, during the school day, she spoke with our oldest students. I am sure that you will hear more about that in the future, especially given her focus on helping students problem-solve and make changes in their environment.

As I reflect on this challenging and heart-wrenching topic, I keep coming back to my desire and hope that we at this Academy are COUNTER-cultural in how we relate to ourselves and others.

1.      We want to be so counter-cultural in this regard that every child who walks into the Academy experiences and knows themselves as cared about by their teachers―which does not mean that we don’t redirect and engage and challenge intellectually. It means that we communicate in every way that each child is valuable, precious and loved.

2.      We want to be so counter-cultural in this regard that every child (though they are still figuring out how to be in healthy relationships) GETS that every other child in this school DESERVES to be treated reverently, and ACTS accordingly.

3.      We want to be so counter-cultural in this regard that every child believes that they are INHERENTLY loved and lovable because they were created by LOVE’S VERY SELF. I want them to believe this because in my mind it really is the foundation for NOT using an exterior locus for affirmation (whether that exterior locus is what one has, who one hangs with, what one wears or what one achieves).

4.      We want to be so counter-cultural that the ADULT community models that counter-cultural belief of self-worth, self-reverence and reverence of the other.

5.      We want to be so counter-cultural that we are KNOWN in the St. Louis community as THE SCHOOL which lives its name: A SCHOOL WHICH ACTS as if it is God’s Heart!

To make this wish come true, we all must work together, grow together and BE TOGETHER what we want to create in our children.

Let’s do it.

United in that Heart of our God who calls us all to reflect that Heart in all that we do and say,

 —Maureen Glavin, rscj
