The Spiritual Child

At last week’s Network Meeting for Sacred Heart School Heads, Board Chairs and Trustees from around the United States and Canada, Dr. Lisa Miller spoke about and provided statistics from her recent book, The Spiritual Child. Dr. Miller is Director of the Clinical Psychology Program at Columbia University Teachers College, and co-editor of the American Psychological Association journal Spirituality in Clinical Practice.

Dr. Miller presented some of the scientific research from her work to illustrate that a connection to God has a positive effect on our physical and mental health. According to her research, children who have an active relationship with God are more likely to display positive markers for thriving and high levels of academic success. Equally compelling, her research shows that a personal and active relationship with God is protective against some negative markers. Just to name one: an authentic relationship with God is 60% protective against depression.

Clearly, her research supports what we do at the Academy! Goal One of Sacred Heart education calls us to provide an environment that promotes the development of each child’s relationship with God. We do so with the knowledge that this relationship supports the interior peace which comes from knowing one’s innate value. This relationship is also the source of the courage and confidence which allows each one to make healthy and helpful choices for self and others. 

We are also confident that when our children have this strong relationship with God, it not only benefits them, but, it benefits our world. One cannot be in relationship with God without then making choices to build God’s Kingdom of Life and Love.

May we all continue to open our heart, our mind and our will to the Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer of all that is,

Maureen Glavin, rscj
