The sights and sounds of Advent are being experienced at the Academy these days in many ways!
Among them are activities that open our hearts by serving those in need:
- Food basket preparation (for the Dec. 18 Christmas Basket Mass)
- Winter coat, hat, scarf and gloves collection
- Children’s toy collection (through the Pajama Day)
- Adopt-A-Family preparation (for Middle School children)
Sights of the season open our hearts in other ways
- Advent Wreaths – Increasing the symbolic Light of Christ each week during Advent prayers can open our hearts.
- Advent Calendars – Incrementally nurturing our hearts can inspire openness of hearts.
- Nativity Scenes stir us to open our hearts as we recall the birth of a baby who is Love-Among-Us.
- Silver Tea preparation and presentations are heart-opening for both those who sing and those who listen
With each of these, our hearts are opened a little, softened a little, made a little more tender, thus preparing us to celebrate the coming of Christ/God’s Love.
I look forward to seeing each of you this weekend as we continue the beautiful heart-opening journey of Advent!
Sister Glavin