Happy Country Fair Weekend!

Dear Academy Families,

My heart is overflowing with gratitude for many things during this week prior to Country Fair; I will name two:

  1. The donation of time by our parents, grandparents, friends, faculty and staff in preparation for, and as part of, this weekend’s festivities not only models lives of generous service for our children, but creates a house of goodness! I thank God for your gifts of self, time, goodness and generosity. You can FEEL the goodness in the volunteer room and in the hallways this week!
  2. The income from Country Fair is one of the ways we fill the gap between the cost of an Academy education and the tuition we charge. Your participation helps us, in very concrete ways, deliver an education whose breadth is the five GOALS and each of their CRITERIA. For this I am deeply grateful because I wholeheartedly believe that an Academy education makes each person a better person and our world a better place.

So, thank you to each and every one of you for the MANY ways you have generously given and will generously give to make this weekend happen!

And, while we are working, let us enjoy being with each other, let us relish our children’s delight in simple joys, and let us appreciate the inner satisfaction of knowing that our service is contributing to the building of God’s Kingdom on many levels!

With a heart filled with deep and abiding gratitude,

Maureen Glavin, rscj
