From the Heart, Community Voices

Community Voices

From the Heart

September 12, 2024

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Alexandra Sanchez Little ’06, Director of Admissions, has been spending time in classrooms and has been busy sharing our school with prospective families. She is also enjoying leading a Communication Skills Class for Seventh and Eighth Class students, which meets every other Thursday to practice public speaking skills with the intent to give student-led tours for prospective families. Mrs. Sanchez Little is enthusiastic for the year ahead and is grateful for your help in spreading the #AcademyLove.

I appreciate the “hello” or “welcome” as you pass my office, and I have enjoyed meeting you all! Our year is off to a great start. Let’s celebrate 42 new students at the Academy this year! We are so happy each of you, new and returning, are here. What a wonderful feeling to grow our community! I am grateful to our Mentor Families for ensuring our new families feel comfortable as they experience many “firsts” and to our AmbASHadors for supporting the Admissions Office and our community.

In these first four weeks with students back for another year of learning, I have realized that everyone in the building plays a vital part for your children. This past week I have been stepping into classrooms and witnessing rigorous teaching and learning with my own eyes. I also notice that teachers care about each child as a learner but also as a growing individual as they help them make wise choices in the classroom as well as in the hallway, cafeteria, etc. Each staff member, whether Business Office, Maintenance, Cafeteria, or Administration, believes in the mission as they contribute their part in making the Academy outstanding. Parents are constantly walking through the front office to volunteer for an event, lead a sports practice, or go on a field trip. There are also many individuals in groups or committees that gather to plan for a community event or help with school activities. We all believe in the Academy and the value of Sacred Heart education.

As an alum, I believed in Sacred Heart education, but being inside these walls each day has left me wildly impressed and even more … Our school has an INCREDIBLY strong team and community, and we all want our students/children to succeed.

I want more children to have an opportunity to be within these walls and I encourage you to do two things to support the Admissions Office:

  1. Share how spectacular this school is with a friend, neighbor, family member, or wherever you participate in the community. Thirty-six percent of our new families heard about the Academy from YOU! Thank you. Please continue sharing your personal experience.
  2. I will continue to update Admissions events here and this is where prospective families can register for Admissions events. Bring a friend to Country Fair! I will have an Admissions booth in front of the White Center Cafeteria steps from 12-5 p.m. and I would love to meet prospective families. They can register at the link above and/or find me there!

Stay tuned for additional upcoming events!
