Viewing all posts in Category: z–LEGACY–Head of School’s Message
Welcome Back and Happy Easter!
While we hope the children enjoyed one extra day of Easter break, the faculty and some of our staff members enjoyed being with 8,000 other Catholic educators from around the country who have descended upon St. Louis for the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) Annual Conference!
The Choice to Act Lovingly
The Fire of Learning
The hallways have been unusually quiet this week as many of our students have been engaged in taking some standardized assessments each morning.
We use the ERB (Educational Records Bureau) for student assessments in grades 3–7. The reason we use the ERB is because, in our experience and estimation, they are:
- Sufficiently challenging
- Thorough in assessing application of knowledge
- Informative in the data provided, which is used for curriculum review
A Space Inside for God
Dear Parents,
As we each continue our Lenten journey, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on the purpose of the traditional Lenten invitations to prayer, alms and fasting. That purpose is: To carve out a space inside of ourselves for God.
To create that inner space, we are asked to let go of something:
- In the Lenten invitation to more prayer, we are asked to let go of our over-activity, thus creating an inner silence in which God might commune with or communicate to us more easily.
- In the Lenten invitation to more alms, we are asked to let go of something material to which we are attached, leaving an opening in our heart for God’s Spirit to swoop in.
- In the Lenten invitation to more fasting, we are asked to let go of some habit which is not always healthy (it could be the habit of indulging in chocolate or it could be the habit of indulging in gossip). And, again, the very act of letting go of a habit creates a conscious space in our actions and routines, thus, allowing God more time and attention in our lives as we redirect those routines and habits in other directions.
I pray that we are allowing more spaces in our minds, in our hearts and in our wills for the God who wants and waits to fill us to overflowing.
May your Lenten Journey continue to be God-filling,
—Maureen Glavin, rscj
Contemplative Spirituality
We have heard families talk about the “x” factor of a Sacred Heart education. We know it when we experience it. We can tell when we feel it. But it is challenging to describe it. What is “it”? We try to articulate the essence of a Sacred Heart education in the description of our Five Goals and all of their Criteria—but, that is a lot of words!
Gratitude to our Eighth Class Students
Enormous gratitude goes out from the whole school community to our Eighth Class students who planned, organized and prepared well for our traditional surprise day of fun! As is stated in Life at the Sacred Heart…
“Accept with gratitude all those in your school community. From them and with them, you can learn what love is.” (p. 3)
Reflective Thinking
A hallmark of Sacred Heart education has always been to develop thinkers. You have heard us say this before; we want our education to be less about merely memorizing and more about engaging our students in capturing underlying concepts. You will often hear us talk about wanting to develop analytical and critical thinkers. Perhaps less discussed, but just as importantly, we want children of the Sacred Heart to be reflective thinkers!
Fresh Starts
Happy New Year to each and every Academy family!
With the New Year comes the ubiquitous conviction to be resolute in our fresh starts. I would like to share some of my New Year’s Resolutions. I resolve:
- To be attentive to new understandings of who God is and how God loves.
- To allow God’s Love to inform how I think, act and interact with the world and those around me.
- To be PRESENT to each and every person who enters my office or is in conversation with me, in my desire to REFLECT the Heart of Christ to those around me.
- To work tirelessly in the ongoing formation of Academy administration, faculty, staff and students’ minds and hearts, affirming their identities as children of a loving God.
- To affirm that the Academy’s entire educational endeavor (i.e., academic program, character building, spiritual development, and relational growth) are ALL a part of coming to know God more deeply.
- To communicate my gratitude enthusiastically to all with whom I have lived and loved and worked and served.
Blessings to each one in this New Year!
Maureen Glavin, rscj
The Lily of Our Hearts
Dear Parents,
Today is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the day when children of the Sacred Heart, throughout the world and for generations, honor Mary by carrying lilies and candles in a procession which culminates in a prayer of dedication:
O Mary, I give you the lily of my heart. Be its guardian forever.