December 1, 2022

December 1, 2022

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – Advent. Within the busyness and bustle of the holiday season as we move through this first week of Advent, my mind and heart are reminded to slow down, to pay attention, and to seek peace. This desire to retreat, to be present, and to pray was born and nurtured for me as a student at the Academy.

It was – and is – a magical time with sparkling trees and decorations, preparations for Silver Tea and the sounds of merriment, but one of my most indelible memories is gathering for morning assembly as a Middle School student in the library (now the Computer Lab). During these times, crowded together with friends, our principal, Mrs. Hopper, would light the candle on the Advent wreath and share some of the 100 Neediest Cases from the St. Louis Post Dispatch. The experiences of extreme poverty and need, of the most basic requests – a bed, groceries, a new coat – were so different than most of our lives that it truly opened our eyes and our hearts.

November 17, 2022

November 18, 2022

Tomorrow we will celebrate the feast of St. Philippine Duchesne and share some thoughts from Alara McLeane, Seventh Class.

Being a student at the Academy of the Sacred Heart is an honor and a privilege. The ASH atmosphere is such a fun-loving, enthusiastic environment to be in. I came here in Primary when I was five years old. On my first day of school, an eighth-grader walked me in. I saw many friendly, smiling faces when I entered the classroom.

Now, seven years later, I get to experience more independence. I have a keycard to enter buildings as I choose, I am able to transfer to classes without supervision, and the Seventh and Eighth grade classes have assignments in our various clubs that we must make sure we get completed by a certain deadline for our team.

November 10, 2022

November 10, 2022

This week, Mrs. Liz Foor, Academy music teacher, shares her experience of being a military family and of joining our Academy community.

Dear Academy Community,

I am truly honored to write the entry in this week’s Thursday Mail. This week is very special to my family as we are a military family and Veterans Day is Friday November 11. I know there are other military families in our school and community, so from the bottom of my heart I want to say thank you for your service, not just for the member of the military but also for the family.

October 27, 2022

October 27, 2022

My name is Maggie McClure and I am a proud alum of the Academy of the Sacred Heart, Class of 2021. I am currently a sophomore at St. Joseph’s Academy. My time at ASH consisted of big hugs from teachers, smiles from friends in the hallway, and laughs at the lunch table. With the guidance and support of my teachers I learned to overcome academic challenges and to push myself every day to do my very best.  

My teachers taught me many important life skills that I use today like writing a proper email, organizing my planner, and presenting in front of large crowds. I was taught to have confidence in myself, and that when I failed, to have grit and try again. The Academy community did a great job of preparing me for my transition into high school by challenging, guiding, and supporting me during my time at ASH.  

October 20, 2022

October 20, 2022

Mater’s Feast is special to generations of our Sacred Heart family. Each year, alums and parents of alums return to celebrate this feast day with the Academy community. Today we thank Mrs. Horner for preparing a beautiful gathering in the Shrine of St. Philippine Duchesne and share her reflections:

I have to tell you October 20 is one of my favorite days. Now, many who know me may think that this is because today is my birthday. Who doesn’t love their birthday, right? But my love of this day goes beyond just my birthday. 

October 13, 2022

October 13, 2022

I want to share a few brief stories about our school.

Today it was an honor to host Luty Madero, RSCJ and Annette Muench (pictured) from our Sacred Heart School in Mexico City. Our guests shared that our students and faculty left a memorable impression, and I understood why.

I watched our students stand up during class to welcome and greet our guests. I saw the videos our guests shared with their Sacred Heart students in Mexico City. I was impressed by the thoughtful questions our students asked our guests, and even more impressed by the answers of students to the questions they received. I am so proud and appreciative of our students!

October 6, 2022

October 6, 2022

Last week, Seventh and Eighth Class students departed for Camp Lakewood, an annual favorite tradition that provides our students a wonderful opportunity to grow in confidence and leadership. Through this program, classes build a special sense of community through team-building activities, archery, challenge courses, ziplining and, of course, time around a campfire. Below students reflect about this time together.

September 22, 2022

September 22, 2022

Last week, students in Fifth-Eighth Classes were excited to resume their Service Learning Program after a two-year hiatus. Their service at various sites in the community — from visiting the elderly to working at the Food Bank, to working with young children, other abled individuals, and older adults — is a direct response to Goal 3: a social awareness which impels to action. Through their service and by being present to others, students are revealing the heart of Christ. Below, we share some of their reflections:

September 15, 2022

September 15, 2022

Eighth grade is a pivotal year at the Academy. Our students and their parents are trying to enjoy their last moments before the final Maypole ribbon falls. They are also trying to find the right high school and finish strong academically. Eighth Class students are encouraged to find their voices and become the leaders that they have trained to be. Recently they were invited to reflect on their journey so far and how they feel about their last year at ASH.

September 8, 2022

September 8, 2022

This week’s From the Heart author is Marcia Baronovic Renken ’72, 8th, Principal.

The gift of a Sacred Heart education is multifaceted. It is the building of a relationship with God, the community, and with oneself. This experience is rooted in the Five Goals and their criteria. There is no specific ranking of the goals in terms of importance. Each stands on its own, yet they are connected, affirming you cannot have one without the other.

Goal V – Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom  is the goal that wraps its arms around each person as he/she aspires to identify gifts and talents, acknowledge and respond to challenges, and strive to reach his/her potential.