This week, Fourth Class teacher Mary Dougherty Reepmeyer ’96 shares her reflections of Lent as well as heart-felt responses from some of her students.
Every Lent challenges us to become closer to God, which means to trust Him, repent, and change. Change can be a difficult thing especially in these busy times. We get stuck in autopilot and move along each day through our usual habits. However, each year while educating my students about Lent, I continually tell them it is my favorite liturgical season of the church year. This is because it gives me an opportunity to slow down, create a plan for change, and feel closer to Jesus. I take this opportunity to set goals which help me increase my prayer life and practice making small sacrifices. I encourage them to do the same on their own Lenten journeys.
In religion class, my Fourth Class students have been rereading the Bible readings from each Sunday, watching short videos on Lent, journaling, and establishing Lenten promises. I had them reflect and write about what Lent means to them and was in awe of how much they have understood and discovered about this season over the past week. I hope these reflections inspire you during this sacred time of recommitment to recognize our presence in this world as disciples of Jesus.