November 2, 2023

November 2, 2023

As we enter the season of gratitude — and anticipate the Feast of St. Philippine Duchesne — this week we share notes from Eighth Class students. As leaders of the school, they were recently asked to write to Academy donors who are members of the Philippine Society and Board of Trustees. Their heartfelt messages are filled with appreciation for their Academy education as well as gratitude for the generosity of our philanthropic leaders. 

The Academy greatly appreciates your generosity toward it. Our wonderful school has helped me to become a more thoughtful and compassionate person, and your kindness contributed. We are truly grateful for all you have done.

— Concetta ’24

October 26, 2023

October 26, 2023

This week, we share a reflection by Elizabeth Grygo, parent of alums:

My husband, David Smith, and I are the proud parents of Ansel and Astrid Smith, Class of 2018. Ansel attended CBC High School and is now in his second year at the University of Alabama (Roll Tide!); Astrid attended Visitation Academy and is in her second year at Drake University in Des Moines (best Saturday farmer’s market in the country!). Both attended the Academy from Pre-Primary through Eighth Class.

Our investment in our children’s experience at the Academy generated returns exceeding expectations. My selection of the words “investment” and “experience” is deliberate. The Academy experience is more than just an education. It is directed at, and impacts, the whole child, laying the foundation of sound character through each of the Goals and Criteria. The time, talents and resources that we as parents invest in that experience blessed us as much, if not more so, than our children.

October 19, 2023

October 19, 2023

This week’s From the Heart is written by Lisa Tebbe ’80, Director of Marketing and Communications.

This morning I had the opportunity to accompany Seventh Class students to one of their Service Learning sites. For me, this wasn’t any Service Learning site but one that holds a special place. My mom has Alzheimer’s, and she is a memory care resident at The Boulevard, St. Charles.

My mom, Sharon Tebbe, was a respected, dedicated, tough, but loving, elementary teacher in St. Charles City School District for 33 years. She adored children, watching them grow in responsibility, encouraging their independence, and helping them succeed academically. She often supported them in their out-of-school activities and stayed in touch with them into their adulthood. Now, living with Alzheimer’s, she lights up whenever children are around. I know it taps into her innate love of teaching and being with young people.

Mom sent my brother, John, and me to the Academy in the early 70s. She was a single mom and was convinced this was the best school for her two kids. She was very proud that we are Academy graduates and believed it was the best decision she made for us. She could’ve never imagined the gift of Sacred Heart education she gave her own children would extend almost 50 years when Academy students returned that gift to her.

October 12, 2023

October 12, 2023

A message from Mr. Horner…

“Are you going to be at Country Fair?” The question rings out often on campus this week as the excitement for Country Fair builds. Tents are up, booths are being constructed, decorations are being placed, and colorful pumpkins line the halls. I join our students in my excitement for this weekend and look forward to seeing our fields, rides, and games overflow with people.

We are indeed blessed here at our school, and our blessings are too large and numerous to count. However, our culture of gratitude invites us to appreciate:

  • Our Chairs, Amber and Jamie Westerson, and Co-Chairs, Louise and Phil Kuhlmann. Their dedication, hard work, and leadership are exemplary.
  • Our many Committee Chairs who have worked tirelessly and creatively to bring the vision of Country Fair to life.
  • The support of our community, from buying raffle tickets to volunteering to joining us this weekend.
  • Our sponsors and donors for their generous support.
  • Our faculty and staff for their support, from tickets to set-up and all things between.
  • Colleen Leahy, Special Events Coordinator, for her planning and attention to a myriad of details, along with assistance from Cindy Johnson, Director of Advancement and Amelia Gorman, Database Coordinator. 
  • Adam Nelson for set-up preparations and behind the scene support.

October 5, 2023

October 5, 2023

Last week, Seventh and Eighth Class students spent a few days at Camp Lakewood, an annual favorite tradition that provides students an unforgettable opportunity to grow in confidence and leadership. This program helps build a special sense of community through team-building activities, archery, challenge courses, ziplining and, of course, time around a campfire. Below students reflect about this time together.

When I was at Camp Lakewood, I had one of the best experiences of my life. My class played against the Seventh boys in volleyball. We also climbed the Alpine Tower. I really enjoyed doing all the activities but my favorite part of Camp Lakewood was when we would cheer on our classmates when they were climbing. Even though Camp Lakewood had many bugs, I really enjoyed being there, and I can’t wait to go back next year.

— Isabella Boettler ’25

September 28, 2023

September 28, 2023

Today at morning drop off, many of us had the pleasure to witness students joyfully wish Mrs. Renken, sitting on the front terrace in the rocking chair, a Happy Birthday. I am uncertain who derived more pleasure, Mrs. Renken or each student as they offered wishes of happiness to someone so loved and influential in their lives.

As I settled back into my office after this, I began to reflect on two aspects of what I observed.

First, the foundation of this mutual admiration society moment was relationships. Relationships are the essence of Sacred Heart education, modeled from the beginning by Madeleine Sophie Barat, foundress of the Society of the Sacred Heart, who considered the service of education as the primary means by which the Society would carry on its mission of communicating the love of the Heart of Jesus. She sent Philippine Duchesne to America to establish a new school to further this mission. Now, 205 years later, Mrs. Renken lives our Sacred Heart identity as she builds and nurtures relationships within our Academy family every day.

September 21, 2023

September 21, 2023

A Message from Amber Peterson Westerson ’94 and Louise Weber Kuhlmann ’99

What happens when you put two alums in charge of Country Fair? We hope the answer is MAGIC!

As ASH alums and current parents, Louise and I couldn’t be more excited to be leading the charge for Country Fair this year. We have such fond memories of the event and with the help of our phenomenal committee, we are well on the way to an amazing event!

A few months ago when I was thinking about being the Country Fair chair I started to conjure up the memories that I loved from Country Fairs past. I remember time with friends, winning prizes and lots of fun. But I also had a very vivid memory of when we used to set up a Haunted House in the old gym. I also remembered a VERY specific Country Fair t-shirt with our teachers on it. They were dressed up as fun Halloween characters. I wished I had that shirt to show my kids. It had been one of my favorites.

Fast forward to about six weeks ago, my Dad walks into my basement office and says, “Check out what I found.” Lo and behold . . . it was the shirt, the one I remembered from childhood. (We might call it a Philippine moment!) I knew then that I wanted to recreate the shirt for my kids. Emboldened by Louise who also remembered the shirt and loved the idea, I reached out to my childhood friend from ASH, Valerie Fletcher Oda. (She happens to be an animator for South Park, American Dad, among others.) I asked if she’d entertain helping me recreate the shirt. She agreed and my plan was in motion.

September 14, 2023

September 14, 2023

Two hundred and five years ago today, on September 14, 1818, Mother Duchesne opened the first free school for girls west of the Mississippi River. Twenty-two little girls came from the village to be the first children of the Sacred Heart in America. Their families were too poor to pay any tuition, and they were rather grudgingly giving education for girls a try. The children were at first impetuous and undisciplined, and the nuns devoted themselves wholeheartedly to them, delighted to find that many of them spoke French. Gradually the children responded to their efforts, and an atmosphere of affectionate respect was created, which made the schoolroom a homelike place where devotion to the Sacred Heart could develop.

When the weather was pleasant, some children had class on the gallery with Sister Aude, while Mother Duchesne and Sister Berthold taught others in the central room. The children were learning their religion, as well as reading, writing, and arithmetic. One period of the day brought everyone together in the large central room for prayer and the singing of hymns. Mother Duchesne wrote: “Now our day pupils sing at Benediction. They have learned some of Father Barat’s hymns, especially one to the Sacred Heart. They are eager to learn, and they learn easily.”

September 7, 2023

September 7, 2023

This year, joining the Academy team as Director of Admissions has been remarkable. This is a school community unlike any I have been a part of during my 20 years in education. The warm welcomes, the rich traditions, the clear goals, the collaborative teammates – students, staff, and faculty alike – have been motivating and inspiring since day one.

Now, we are kicking off admissions season at the Academy, which happens to coincide with the Kansas City Chiefs kicking off the NFL season. As a Kansas Citian and independent, Catholic school proponent, I am fired up for BOTH the NFL game tonight and our admissions season kick-off Open House on Tuesday, September 12 at 9 a.m.. Each of you is a star player in Academy admissions: prospective parents hearing about the Academy from you is the key to an epic admissions season and helping us work toward Goal 4 of Sacred Heart education – building community.

Let’s huddle up, Academy team! We are in our fourth week of school. We are flexible. We are warmed up. We are ready for this moment. It’s our time to shine. We’re all in this together, and here is how each of you plays a role in Academy admissions right now.

Everyone, please share both our Academy Facebook and Instagram posts regarding our fall admissions events. Please consider including a message as you share each social media post. “Don’t miss out on these chances to tour our school and meet with Academy faculty and staff!”

August 31, 2023

August 31, 2023

A Note from Mr. Horner

I have felt privileged since my first day at the Academy to stand upon the shoulders of giants and follow in the footsteps of saints. Today we honor and celebrate the career and impact of one such individual – Mrs. Marcia Renken – as she moves into retirement in June 2024.

In her four decades at the Academy, Mrs. Renken has guided generations of students, serving with wisdom, faith, and a deep sense of her own Sacred Heart spirit and experience. As a teacher and principal, the character and heart with which she cares for each student, each teacher, each parent is exemplary. I believe that it was with Mrs. Renken in mind that Maya Angelou wrote: “… people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I know that each day working together has been a gift, and each day I am better because of her living the Sacred Heart charism.

August 24, 2023

August 24, 2023

John Storjohann, long-time Academy educator and current computer science teacher, shares his thoughts on the significance of Goal V and developing leadership skills in our students.

Goal V:  Schools of the Sacred Heart commit themselves to educate to personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom. 

  • Criterion 1: Student and adult members of the school community grow in courage and confidence as they discover new abilities, cultivate strengths, learn from mistakes, develop empathy, and exercise resilience in meeting challenges.
  • Criterion 7: Sacred Heart schools recognize and educate to motivational, inspirational, and transformational leadership.

Resilience. Initiative. Commitment. Courage. Confidence. Empathy. These are just some of the necessary skills students need to succeed both in and out of school, and this set of skills becomes increasingly important as we prepare our Eighth Class students for graduation and their continued journey to adulthood. All of our students, from their first days at the Academy, are given the opportunity to learn and practice age-appropriate leadership skills and to cultivate the gifts they possess to meet new challenges, yet our Eighth Class students in particular are called upon to hone the skills they have learned in their time at the Academy to be leaders in the school community.