Viewing all posts in Category: Article

Special Olympics at ASH

November 13, 2012

On alternating Saturday mornings this fall, laughter and encouragement have emanated from the Play Room, where games and sports activities have been set up for young Special Olympics athletes. Volunteer Seventh Class students have organized the fun, working and playing with the 3- to 7-year-olds as they develop many of the athletic skills associated with soccer, basketball, t-ball and bowling. The athletes have practiced kicking, rolling and catching a ball, dribbling between cones, and sometimes just enjoying playing with new friends! Duck, Duck, Goose, parachute activities and snacks have added to the fun. The greatest gift has been the value and appreciation Seventh Class students have developed for the parents of these special needs students and the “kids who are just like them.”   

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Santa’s Helpers

November 8, 2012

Our Fourth and Fifth Class students are helping to make the upcoming holidays a little brighter for area children by assisting Santa’s Helpers, an area non-profit group dedicated to seeing that all children are able to receive a few gifts at Christmastime. Our students have been traveling to the Santa’s Helpers warehouse and wrapping small gifts and toys that have been donated throughout the year. For more information, go to

Chic Boutique

November 2, 2012

Kick off your holiday shopping in style! For a second year, the Academy Mothers Club is bringing its long-running and popular Taste of Christmas event home to ASH, with more than three dozen vendors setting up shop in Rauch Memorial and the White Center. Join us on Saturday, Nov. 10 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. to shop for unique clothing, jewelry, home decor, candles, stationery and much more. All proceeds benefit the school scholarship fund.

Click here for a listing of Chic Boutique vendors.

Goals of Sacred Heart Education

August 27, 2012

As a member of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools, the Academy is committed to educating to the Goals of Sacred Heart Education: a personal and active faith in God, a deep respect for intellectual values, a social awareness which impels to action, the building of community as a Christian value, and personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.

What We Love About ASH

May 18, 2012

Hear what students in the graduating class of 2012 have to say about the Academy of the Sacred Heart.