Viewing all posts in Category: Article

Hearts for Haiti

February 1, 2013

HHposter2Education opens doors to a better way of life. The Fourth Class is coordinating two projects that will enable the Academy to join with the Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart in Miami, Florida, the University of Miami, and Partners in Health to build Notre Dame de La Colline School in the impoverished country of Haiti. We want to help provide Haitian children with opportunities to become all God has created them to be.

Let someone know you are thinking about them!
February 1-14
Sold Before and After School
$.50 each 2 for $1.00

  • ASH student Heart Grams will be hung throughout the school and the CHILDREN OF LA COLLINE Heart Grams will be sent to the school.
  • Parents, grandparents, alumni, friends wishing to purchase Heart Grams, click here for the form and we will complete the Heart Gram for you!

Wednesday, February 6
During all lunch periods
All items $.50

Month of Philippine

January 31, 2013

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, in designating a different American Saint for each month of this Year of Faith, have named February the “Month of Philippine.” To contribute to the celebration, members of the Sacred Heart family from around the country are sharing reflections, homilies, poems and prayers― something different for each day of the month. The opening reflection, “Philippine: Woman with a Global Heart” is by Sister Glavin. See it on the Society website,
We at the Academy of the Sacred Heart are proud to be the stewards of Philippine’s first and last American school, stewards of her inspirational story, stewards of her saintly remains, and stewards of her holy example through our lives and our loves.


Join in the Fun!

January 25, 2013

triviaRauchPlan now to attend our 11th annual tropical Trivia Night on Saturday, Feb. 2 for fun, food, drink and an opportunity to share your vast collection of knowledge! Tables for eight are available. In addition to trivia, a bottle booth and 50/50 drawing, there’ll be a Silent Auction featuring sports memorabilia, photos, plaques and items celebrating St. Louis favorites. Click here for more Trivia Night info. For further information, call 636-946-5632.

Letter People

January 24, 2013

The Pre-Primary children enjoyed decorating their “Kingdom” recently as they learned about the letter “K.”   They created windows, painted bricks, added glitter and attached a door Knob. The children decorated  crowns with their names so they could be “King” of their kingdom. Next, they will let their imaginations run WILD for “W” week as they play inside the beautifully decorated kingdom.

Admissions Open House

January 15, 2013

We look forward to welcoming prospective families to our Winter Open House on Wednesday, Jan. 16. We’ll begin in the Conference Room with a 9 a.m. presentation by Sister Maureen Glavin and our two Principals, followed by tours of the school given by our Seventh and Eighth Class Student Ambassadors from 9:45 to 11 a.m. All are welcome to join us for this glimpse into our classrooms, questions and answers, refreshments and more. For further information, contact Admissions Director Lisa Tebbe at 636-946-6127, ext. 1620 or

Prayer for the New Year

January 4, 2013

As we move toward the culmination of the Christmas season, Sister Glavin describes her prayer for the new year.

Christmas Baskets

December 19, 2012

The Academy community celebrated its annual Christmas Basket Mass Dec. 18. Continuing a decades-long tradition, school families donated hundreds of baskets, boxes and cartons of food containing all the ingredients for a holiday meal. Our older students helped transport the baskets from the car pool line to the bleachers. Generosity and gratitude were tangible at the all-school Mass with Father Richard Tillman presiding. Afterward, the baskets were taken to a dozen area agencies and parishes for area families in need.

During the liturgy, the Mothers’ Club officers presented Sr. Glavin with a check to support the Sister Anna Mae Marheineke Enrichment Fund, technology and capital improvements.

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Silver Teas

December 11, 2012

The Academy community delighted in the Silver Tea performances presented by our Middle School, Lower School and Pre-Primary students Dec. 7, 8 and 10. “Once Upon a Christmas,” “Ring the Bells of Christmas” and “The ABCs of Christmas” were beautiful gifts for parents and grandparents. What a joyous way to kick off the Christmas season!  Photos from the Silver Tea performances are below.

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Lower School
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Middle School
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Fourth Class Sings at Streetscape Luncheon

December 7, 2012

Our Fourth Class students entertained those attending Streetscape magazine’s December luncheon at The Columns with a preview of Christmas songs they’ll perform at the Lower School Silver Tea. Mrs. Renken described the students as “poised, confident and polite.” They received a standing ovation! Thanks, Fourth Class students, teachers and music instructor Mrs. Kathy Doty.

Adopt a Family Project

December 5, 2012

During this busy season, some of our Middle School students made time for shopping and wrapping gifts for families in the Adopt-a-Family project. In conjunction with the St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Seventh and Eighth Class students tackled the wish lists of five area families in need. With money they donated themselves, they shopped at Target, selected clothing and toys for family members, and wrapped and bagged the gifts for delivery Dec. 7. Additional funds allowed for an extra contribution to Sts. Bridget and Teresa Parish for toys, and for turkeys and hams for Christmas food baskets at ASH.

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Happy Feast

November 15, 2012

We celebrated the feast of our sainted foundress, Rose Philippine Duchesne, on Friday, Nov. 16. The school community gathered in Rauch Memorial for her feast day liturgy, and shared the following Communion meditation, written by Kim King, RSCJ:

When we are asked to be bold and courageous,
You are our inspiration
When our imaginations dream and see beyond the limits of our sight,
You are our hope
When we fail to meet a challenge and need to accept our limitations,
You are our model
When we pray with the desire for deep union with God,
You are our Saint
And with your blessing, to the greater glory of God, we seek to be loving people who live and serve others with your same purpose, vision, and quiet humility.

Learn more about Philippine Duchesne’s life as a Religious of the Sacred Heart, and be inspired by many of her quotations on the Network of Sacred Heart Schools’ website.