We were delighted to welcome approximately 200 alumni and guests to the recent Alumni Congé Reunion. Special honor classes included graduates from 1953, 1963, 1973, 1988, 1993 and 2008. Read more…
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Last Day of School
The final day of school on May 24 featured the annual Closing Ceremony for Primary through Fourth Class students and the Prize Ceremony for Fifth through Seventh Class students. In a tradition begun by St. Philippine Duchesne in the summer of 1819, students receive recognition for character traits and academic accomplishments. Before dismissing the students, Sister Glavin encouraged them to read a little, rest a little, play a little and pray a little over the summer.
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End-of-Year Band Concert
Congratulations and thank you to the ASH student band for sharing what they’ve learned this year with the school community. All enjoyed the end-of-the-year band concert in Rauch Memorial Wednesday morning.
Cover photo: Band Director Mr. Frank Goessler with Eighth Class band members Alison, Ethan and Veronica
Seventh Class Students Earn Duke T.I.P. Recognition
Congratulations to our 23 Seventh Class students who took the Duke T.I.P. ACT test alongside high school juniors and seniors last fall. The ACT test covered math, reading and science, and gave an overall composite score. All of the students did an outstanding job! Fifteen earned State recognition, eleven earned Academy for Summer School Eligibility, and four earned Center for Summer Studies Eligibility. For further information about the Duke Talent Identification Program, go to www.tip.duke.edu.
Field Day Rescheduled for Monday, May 13
Given the weather predictions for scattered thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow, given that fields are already soggy, given that Sunday is predicted to be sunny (allowing for the fields to dry) and given that Monday is predicted to be partly sunny, the school administration and P.E. teachers have made the decision to postpone Field Day to our rain date, which is MONDAY, MAY 13.
All Field Day activities — the mass, the parade, the picnic, the events and the awards ceremony—will take place on Monday.
Tomorrow (Friday) we will have lunch in the cafeteria. (It will be Monday’s lunch menu). Please remember to send a lunch with your child on Monday if you will not be here to bring a lunch for the picnic.
The end-of-year band concert originally scheduled for Monday will be rescheduled. Watch for upcoming announcements.
Chemin de Fer Success
What a fun evening we had at the Academy on Saturday, May 4! Our 39th annual Chemin de Fer auction was truly a G’Day Down Under. Four hundred and thirty guests were in high spirits imagining themselves in the Great Barrier Reef and the Australian outback—easy to do while surrounded by incredible, amazing and transformative decorations that covered nearly every square inch of Rauch Memorial and enhanced the Playroom and White Center.
Our yearly Chemin auctions have become memorable occasions—and not just for their ability to raise a good amount of money to supplement the school operating budget (though that is certainly their raison d’être). In addition to being the largest fundraiser of the year, Chemin provides the opportunity for hundreds of guests to enjoy an elegant dinner, visit with Academy parents and friends, and win exciting, one-of-a-kind auction prizes (puppies, quilts, trips, parties and more) within once-familiar spaces that are exciting, new and fun. All of the work necessary to put on these extravaganzas supports the larger work of Sacred Heart education here at the Academy of the Sacred Heart.
John and Melissa Gisi and Michael and Vanessa Fritsche were at the helm as we traveled to the Southern Hemisphere for Chemin 2013. Not only was it a G’Day, it was a good night, as well, for ASH. Final results will be announced in the weeks ahead.
KABANCE.COM PHOTOS available for purchase
Mission Day
Capping a week in which we celebrated St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, Mission Day was a happy occasion for students to support Goal III projects—and have lots of fun in the process!
Mission Day 2013
We look forward to celebrating the Feast of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat and Mission Day on Thursday, April 25. Mass at 10 a.m. in Rauch Memorial will be followed by Mission Day games, booths and fun.
Mission Day is a long-standing tradition in Sacred Heart schools across the Network. In early years the monies supported missions of the world; now the funds are distributed to many agencies locally, nationally and internationally. Children are encouraged to bring approximately $10 for the day’s activities.
Thanks to our Eighth Class students for organizing an exciting Congé yesterday! An unexpected play day is a long-time tradition in Sacred Heart schools the world over. Ours kicked off mid-morning with an all-school conga line in Rauch Memorial, with fun and games continuing for the remainder of day.
Conge 2013 – Academy of the Sacred Heart from Academy of the Sacred Heart on Vimeo.
D.A.R.E. Graduates
Congratulations to our 49 Fifth Class students who graduated on Thursday from the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program under the auspices of the St. Charles City Police Department. Officer Hayes has met weekly for ten weeks with the class to discuss how to act in their own best interests and how to resist peer pressure when facing high-risk, low-gain choices such as the use of alcohol, drugs or tobacco. Fifth Class parents were on hand to see their children graduate from the program.
Angelina H., Bridget H. and Grace H. won the D.A.R.E. Essay Awards (one per homeroom), and Richie S. was awarded the D.A.R.E. Citizenship Award.
Well done, Fifth Class students and teachers! Special thanks to Officer Hayes, Mrs. Ahlheim, Mrs. Horner and Mrs. Strother.
ASH Places Second in Excellence in Mathematics Contest
Congratulations to our Eighth Class students for winning second place in the 2013 Excellence in Mathematics Contest. More than two dozen schools from the St. Louis area took part in the March 16 contest at St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley. This was the first time that the Academy competed in this 35-year-old math contest, in which students in grades 6–8 compete in grade-level teams. The combined total of our top four finishers’ scores determined the Academy’s second place win in Division 1.
Math teacher and coach Mrs. Lisa Delicath said, “I was particularly proud of our kids because they did most of the practice on their own.”
Accolades to Niles B., Morgan B., Mariana G., Kerrie K., Danny M., Quinn S., Veronica S., Ethan W., Adam W. and Clara W. for a job well done!