Viewing all posts in Category: Article

Silver Teas

December 13, 2013


We were delighted to welcome many of our students’ grandparents to the Silver Tea dress rehearsals—the Middle School’s Thursday afternoon and the Lower School’s this morning. There were lots of toes tapping and heads nodding in time to the music! The children are ready and excited to repeat their performances for their parents.

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Christmas at the Academy

December 4, 2013

ST3December’s Silver Teas are much-anticipated events. The students have been working for weeks on their performances, lovingly prepared as a Christmas gift for their parents. The dates and times of this year’s Silver Teas are:

  • MIDDLE SCHOOL (Classes 5-8):  Friday, December 13  •  7:30 p.m.
    • Grandparents may attend the Middle School Dress Rehearsal
      on Thursday, December 12 at 1:30 p.m.
  • LOWER SCHOOL (Classes P-4):  Saturday, December 14  •  2:00 p.m.
    • Grandparents may attend the Lower School Dress Rehearsal
      on Friday, December 13 at 9:00 a.m.
  • PRE-PRIMARY:  Monday, December 16  •  10:00 a.m. (for morning class) and 2:00 p.m. (for afternoon class)

The final week of school before break is a busy one. Students in Classes 3-8 will take exams Dec. 16–19. On Thursday, Dec. 19, the Academy band will give a Christmas Concert for the whole school. Classroom Christmas parties will follow.

BasketFood In a tradition dating back many years, each Academy family is invited to provide a basket of food for the needy. As we joyfully anticipate Jesus’ birth during Advent, assembling items for your family’s food basket can become a special family activity and a new holiday tradition. When students (P-8), faculty, staff, parents, alums and friends gather for Christmas Basket Mass on Friday, Dec. 20 at 10 a.m. in Rauch Memorial, hundreds of bountiful baskets will fill the bleachers, representing the incredible generosity of our families. Not only is this a prayerful way to part before the holidays, it is also an opportunity to realize the abundance of our blessings.

This year, in commemoration of 100 years as an Alumni Association, Academy alumni are invited to assemble food baskets the evening before Basket Mass. They’ll gather from 7–9 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 19 in the White Center.  [Read more]

Dismissal for Christmas break is Friday, Dec. 20 at 11:30 a.m. [NO LATE DISMISSAL]

IMG_5188Finally, all are invited to attend Christmas Eve Liturgy at 10 p.m. Dec. 24 in the Shrine of St. Philippine Duchesne. This is a beautiful, joyful and prayerful way to celebrate the birth of Jesus!

If you have questions about any of our December events, please call the school office at 636-946-6127.

Thanksgiving Memories

December 2, 2013

First Class students prepared a Thanksgiving play for their parents, who joined them in other holiday activities while visiting their classroom before the break. Here, Mrs. Metcalf’s students pose in the replication of the Mayflower that they helped create.

In the Footsteps of Philippine

November 26, 2013

Our Middle School students go out into the community to work with others. Read about the Academy’s “In the Footsteps of Philippine” program for students in grades 5–8.

Celebrating Philippine

November 19, 2013

Our school community celebrated the Feast of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne with an all-school liturgy in Rauch Memorial. Father Sean Martin, celebrant, asked the students to reflect on Philippine’s sense of adventure in her quest to bring God’s love to the American frontier.

Our thanks to the Sixth Class, who, under Sister Margaret Munch’s direction, presented a play about Philippine’s life for students in Classes 4-8.

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Click here, on the Society of the Sacred Heart’s website, to read more about St. Philippine Duchesne.

Alumni Celebrate 100 Years

November 6, 2013

aac_trans copy2Alums, join us as we continue the Centennial Celebration of our Sacred Heart Alumni Association. Get involved and reconnect at one or more of four upcoming alumni events. Read more…

Boutique Shopping at ASH

November 4, 2013

‘Tis nearly the season! The Mothers’ Club has arranged for 45+ vendors to inspire and delight you on Saturday, Nov. 9 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Taste of Christmas CHIC BOUTIQUE held in the Academy gymnasium, cafeteria and play room. Whether getting a start on your holiday shopping or treating yourself, you’ll be wowed with the offerings of apparel, jewelry, candles, home decor, monogrammed gift items, totes, books, toys and so much more. Featuring home-baked cookies, lunch and raffles, too!

For more information, click here or call 636-946-5632.

TOC 2013 Flyer 2

Admissions Open House

October 30, 2013

OpenHouseWindowDiscover why parents say that choosing the Academy of the Sacred Heart was the single best decision they made for their child. Be our guest at OPEN HOUSE on Thursday, Nov. 14 at 9 a.m. Experience what makes ASH unique. Tour our school and historic campus. Speak with Head of School Sister Maureen Glavin, principals, faculty, parents and students. Bring a friend! For further information or to reserve your spot, call 636-946-6127, ext. 1620 or contact admissions


Click here for a special invitation to OpenHouse from two of our Student Ambassadors.


Cardinals Day at ASH

October 25, 2013

World Series excitement is here! Academy students and staff, show your team spirit on Monday, October 28, by wearing red or Cardinals apparel. (Students, this is to be worn over your regular school uniforms.) Cards caps are allowed, as well. Go Cards!!!

Country Fair 2013

October 16, 2013

Our own fall classic at ASH continues to be a real crowd-pleaser! Thanks to all who supported, volunteered and participated in this year’s Country Fair festivities, with special thanks to Chairs Gregg and Jodie Schneider and Co-Chairs Larry and Terri McClain.

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Country Fair Pumpkins

October 16, 2013

How fun it was to see the many creative entries in our annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest for Country Fair! Thanks, ASH students, for tickling our funny bones with your whimsical, scary and imaginative creations!

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