Viewing all posts in Category: Article

Feed the Hungry

April 15, 2014

Sixth and Third Class students recently bagged lunches for the Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul. Feeding God’s People is the Sixth Class emphasis for Goal 3 of Sacred Heart education—a social awareness which impels to action.

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Cookie Love

April 9, 2014

The Fifth Class Girl Scout Troop selected Mt. Carmel as the beneficiary for this year’s cookie drive.  The troop donated 88 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to the residents and staff.

Osage Mass — an STL250 Event

April 4, 2014

The Osage Nation of Oklahoma, stewards of the land that was St. Louis prior to the founding of the City, held an Osage Mass at St. Francis Xavier College Church (a Jesuit parish) on the campus of St. Louis University April 2. Fr. John Padberg, S.J. concelebrated with Fr. Todd Nance (Osage) and Fr. Christopher Daigle (pastor of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Pawhuska). Sister Glavin, Dr. Stock and Eighth Class Student Council members Katelyn Kirtley, Madeleine Schrick, Gunnar Himich and Barclay Dale attended the mass celebrating the connections the Osage have with the St. Louis region and with the Society of Jesus, the Sisters of Loretto, and the Religious Sisters of the Sacred Heart—all of whom had schools for the Osage.

The Shrine gets a Cake

March 19, 2014

Cake3The 250th birthday of the City of St. Louis is being celebrated in various ways, one of which is the placement of 250 4′ fiberglass cakes at notable locations throughout the metro area. The Shrine was among the top 50 places named by voters; 200 others were designated by the STL250 Committee. The cakes will be in place for the remainder of 2014.


Chemin de Fer

March 18, 2014

A little bit o’ heaven lies in store for guests at our Chemin de Fer auction on Saturday, May 3, when we’ll travel to lovely Ireland. Don’t miss this opportunity to win fantastic prizes, enjoy a bountiful sit-down dinner and visit with ASH friends amid the splendor of the bucolic Irish countryside—all while supporting the school o’ our hearts, the Academy of the Sacred Heart.  Read more

An Exercise in Poverty

March 13, 2014

To better understand the challenges of those who are economically disadvantaged, the Sixth Class recently took part in an organized Poverty Simulation exercise. Each student and adult volunteer was given an identity, and traveled to various social agencies set up throughout the White Center to help them. Whether it was trying to find a job or applying for assistance, the process was fraught with complicated forms, long lines, confusion and red tape. This experience was designed to help students learn about the needs and daily frustrations of the poor—the particular emphasis for Sixth Class in understanding Goal 3, A Social Awareness Which Impels to Action.

VIEW PHOTOS of the Poverty Simulation exercise.


Ash Wednesday, 2014

March 11, 2014

I am glory and it is

to glory I shall return;

to home, to you,

unmistakable love.

I live in that strength;

I walk with that courage

into the unknown precarious

what lies ahead.

Because it is you

who draws me out and draws me onward,

toward boldness of being

and greatness of heart.

Kimberly M. King, rscj


February 27, 2014

The Society’s Sacred Heart Commission on Goals ensures that each school in the Network is living the mission of Sacred Heart education, as outlined in the Goals and Criteria. Every five years, the Commission calls us to create and implement a self-study process. Input from parents, faculty and staff, students, board members and alumni is invited and valued, as we reflect upon and discuss the Goals and Criteria and how we could more fully live them here at the Academy of the Sacred Heart.

The Self-Study is both a process and a document. After the series of dialogues takes place among constituency and cross-constituency groups, our Self-Study Steering Committee will prepare a summary document that will be submitted to the Head of the Sacred Heart Commission on Goals by Oct. 1, 2014. A Visiting Team of Sacred Heart educators will be with us Nov. 15–19 to continue the conversations, reflect with the school community and offer fresh perspectives.

  • ASH Parents are invited to lend their voices to these SHCOG conversations at the next PCC meeting on Thursday, March 27, at 7 p.m.
  • Board members will reflect on the Goals and Criteria on Saturday, March 1 at 10:30 a.m.
  • Some of our young Alums will gather for conversations on Sunday, March 9 at 1:30 p.m.

For further information, please contact Steering Committee Co-Chairs Sandy Ahlheim or Joan Runge.


February 26, 2014

Have you made your commitment yet to A Legacy of Excellence, A Future of Distinction? Work continues for this important campaign to raise $1 million each for endowment, program enhancements and campus improvements. Read more at



High School Experience

February 24, 2014

Eighth Class students had the chance to talk about the fun, the challenges and the surprises of high school life with a panel of high school seniors who returned to their alma mater to share their experiences. Thanks, alumni from the Academy Class of 2010, for taking the time to chat with and answer questions from our soon-to-be-graduates.

Boys  Girls

Donuts with Dads

February 21, 2014

Primary and Pre-Primary students would agree that it’s great fun to have dad at school with them! Drawing, measuring, digging for dinosaur bones, reading, building and counting are all more fun when teamed up with Dad. Here, a few pictures of our morning Pre-Primaries…

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