Viewing all posts in Category: Article

Care of Creation

September 1, 2015

Prayer for Integrity of Creation September 1 2015Pope Francis has designated September 1 as a Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. In a letter announcing the Day of Prayer, the Pope said,

The annual World Day of prayer for the Care of Creation offers to individual believers and to the community a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in this vocation as custodians of creation, raising to God our thanks for the marvellous works that He has entrusted to our care, invoking his help for the protection of creation and his mercy for the sins committed against the world in which we live.  The celebration of the Day on the same date as the Orthodox Church will be a valuable opportunity to bear witness to our growing communion with our orthodox brothers.”

Alumni Gifts Provide Enhancements to Shrine

August 28, 2015

While so much was happening outdoors this summer to transform our campus and the entrance approaches, parking spaces and play areas, some wonderful things were happening close by in the Shrine of St. Philippine Duchesne. As part of the five-year plan undertaken by the Alumni Association in anticipation of the Bicentennial in 2018, one of the needs identified by the administration (and certainly by the Shrine Director) was a way to accommodate pilgrims who arrive at a time when no volunteer docent is on duty.

Innisbrook Sales Underway Soon

August 26, 2015

Innisbrook Wraps are back! Our super sales force of Academy students will sell beautiful Innisbrook gift wrap and more from Aug. 27 through Sept. 14. Thanks to Academy moms Mary Beth Bulte and Jill Matthews for chairing this important fundraising event! For further information, please contact Development Director Mary Maher, 636-946-5632.

To place an Innisbrook order online, CLICK HERE. Your order will ship directly to you! Enter seller name during check-out. Shipping is just $7.50—or FREE with $125 order.

Getting Started

August 19, 2015

Our 2015-2016 school year has gotten off to a joyful start!

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Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year

August 18, 2015

It was great to see Academy students and their families back at school! Happy faces filled the halls and classrooms during Open House last night. We’re ready for another year of love and learning, which will get started tomorrow morning for First through Eighth Class students.

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Open House

August 17, 2015

We look forward to seeing all of our families this evening at Open House! Drop by to meet your child’s teacher and reconnect with Academy friends. We ask that you enter through the White Center, where representatives from the following will be on hand: the Cafeteria, School Nurse, Early Arrival/Late Dismissal, Extracurricular Clubs and Activities, Athletics, Development Office, Mothers’ Club, Innisbrook Wraps, and Country Fair.

Unfortunately, the Slice of the Hill food truck that was slated to be here has a broken generator, and will be unable to serve food as planned. However, the Kona-Ice truck will be here, serving sno-cones. (Look for them outside White Center near the loading dock.)

Did you know?

August 13, 2015

That at the Academy of the Sacred Heart we provide CPR/AED Emergency Oxygen Class along with Blood Borne Pathogen training and Epi-Pen training to faculty and staff?

Did you know?

That we have 2 AED’s and 2 Emergency Oxygen units equipped with both adult and children pads? (One set is in the chair room in the Gym, the other set is in the Arcade hallway.)

Did you know?

That having the AEDs and Oxygen units as well as Faculty/Staff training is part of our commitment to Emergency Response/Disaster Preparedness training?

It is true.  Our annual training took place on August 13, 2015 and our faculty and staff, once again, met the requirements for certification for Adult, Child, and Infant CPR and AED use. Included in the curriculum for the day’s class was Blood Borne Pathogens, recognizing and responding to a choking victim, and Epi-Pen Training.

Congratulations to the following for being attentive learners and for becoming certified:

  • Katie Berg – School Nurse
  • Sue Gallaher – PE
  • Jonathan Gonzalez – PE
  • Jeanne King – Pre-Primary
  • Marleen Monahan – PE
  • Samantha Weiss – Late Dismissal Coordinator
  • Julie Werton – Faculty, 8th Class
  • Michael Wilson – Faculty

We would like to thank Mr. Roderick S. Wilson of the St. Louis City Fire Department, Firefighter/EMT/BLS Instructor, for his expertise in teaching and making the class fun … while ensuring that we learned some very serious skills.  

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Website Update

August 3, 2015

Welcome to the new website. We hope you enjoy the view 🙂

Responsive design shown on a landscape tablet and portrait smart phone.

  • Responsive design fits any device (tablets, smartphones, laptops, or desktops)
    • Swipe-able top menu on mobile portrait devices
    • Swipe-able main page to quickly check Articles and Bulletin Board
  • New logo to fit new site design
  • New icons for main menu
  • Calendar .ics file export support (per-month or per-event)
  • Tabbed content sections to consolidate content onto less pages and allow for quicker mobile viewing

If you have any questions or find any oddities, please email

Special Visitors

July 24, 2015

We are pleased to welcome visiting students and teachers from Fuji Seishin Joshi Gakuin, a Sacred Heart school in Japan. As part of their two-week visit to the St. Louis area, the students are studying English in the morning and enjoying excursions to St. Louis area attractions. Several Academy students, alums and families are extending ASH hospitality to the Japanese students, as well, spending time and conversing with them, joining them for meals, and inviting them for home visits. We love getting to know these international Sacred Heart friends! Their stay is being coordinated by staff members of the Shrine of St. Philippine Duchesne.

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Showtime Fun

July 9, 2015

Yee Haw! This summer’s session of “Showtime” staged a rollicking production of “How the West Was ‘One’.” Nearly 20 participants began with a script outline, created characters, wrote dialogue, made props, staged scenes and choreographed songs. Singing and dancing to songs like O What a Beautiful Morning, Shake It Off, and Boot Scootin’ Boogie, the performers told a story of farmers and cowboys coming together to save their land. Thanks to Laurie Strickland and her crew for getting the summer off to a great start for these Showtime campers!