Working with Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center, our Social Justice Leadership Council is sponsoring a Blood Drive on Monday, April 11 from 2:30-6:30 p.m. in the Playroom. Those who wish to donate blood can CLICK HERE to schedule a time to donate, but walk-ins are also welcome. Social Justice students will provide babysitting for children whose parents wish to donate. For further information, please contact Mrs. Marleen Monahan.
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Sixth Place!
Congratulations to Anastasia Ramig (7th Class), one of 250 school spelling bee champs who competed in the written semi-final round of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Spelling Bee March 5, and one of 33 students who went on to participate in the oral finals March 12 at McKendree University.
As one of the final ten spellers, she advanced to “the chairs,” and ended in sixth place. What an achievement! Congratulations, Anastasia, and thank you for representing your school in such a stellar fashion.
Perspectives from ASH Alums in High School
It was great to hear from Barclay Dale ’14, Gracie Holloran ’12 and Mary Clare Cassidy ’12 at the General PCC meeting Tuesday night. These Academy graduates spoke about how ASH prepared them for high school and helped them become confident learners. To read Barclay’s message, click here.
Picture the Music
Congratulations to ASH students whose artwork was recognized in the St. Louis Symphony’s Picture the Music competition. Third Class student Suhani, whose piece inspired by A Mid Summer Night’s Dream was chosen among the top 100 pieces now on traveling exhibition throughout the area, was honored at an awards ceremony March 3 at Powell Hall.
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Book Launch
All are invited to celebrate the launch of Seeking the One Whom We Love: How RSCJs Pray, a compilation of writings by 55 Religious of the Sacred Heart edited by Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ, and Therese Fink Meyerhoff.
Refreshments, conversation and book signings will take place Thursday, March 3, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Society of the Sacred Heart Province Archives, 4537 West Pine Boulevard, St. Louis. Books will be available for purchase for $20. For more information, call 314-652-1500.
ASH Alums Receive National Merit Recognition
Thanks to Duchesne High School for sharing the following good news about three of their seniors who’ve received recognition by the National Merit Scholars program. All of them are graduates of the Academy Class of 2012.
“Will Fairless and Joe Phillips were each recently awarded $2500 National Merit Scholarships to the schools of their choosing. Erin Hannegan McKee was named as a commended student by the National Merit Scholars program in recognition of her Preliminary SAT (PSAT) scores and her continuing academic promise.
It’s Leap Day—and Congé
The Passing of a Friend
Laura Elizabeth Rauch—the woman whose great generosity to the Academy resulted in the gymnasium being named in her family’s honor—has died at the age of 92. Mrs. Rauch was the mother of The Honorable Lucy Rauch, Academy Class of 1968.
Mrs. Jane Cannon, our former Alumni Director, shared the address she gave at an awards dinner honoring Mrs. Rauch some years ago:
When I was asked to say a few words on behalf of the Sacred Heart Academy about Elizabeth Rauch, a number of words popped into my mind—probably the same words that are on the tips of everyone else’s tongues when they think of her. Words like: assertive, down-to-earth, enthusiastic, optimistic, positive and, of course, the ever-popular “generous.” And then there are a few that give Elizabeth Rauch her unique panache. Words like: wit, style, and a very old-fashioned one: “pep”!
Lovin’ from the Oven
KMOV-Channel 4’s Steve Harris recently featured one of our Fifth Class students, Grace P., in his weekly “Harris Hero” segment. Eleven-year-old Grace has been hosting an annual pancake breakfast since she was five years old to raise funds for sick children.
Click here to learn more/view the segment.
Welcome, Grandparents!
Tours of classrooms, displays of student work, tours of historic areas of our campus, and refreshments in the White Center await visitors on Grandparents Day, Sunday, March 13. We are eager to welcome these very special members of our Academy community! The day will begin for ASH students and their grandparents at 10 a.m. with liturgy in Rauch Memorial gym.
- Students are allowed to bring a VSP (Very Special Person) in place of grandparents who are unable to attend.
- Please enter through Rauch Memorial.
- Please do not use St. Charles Borromeo parking lots for this event, as Sunday masses will be in progress there.
- Grandparents will be receiving a postcard reminder in the mail.
- For further information, call 636-946-6127.
Several of our students play cricket regularly. Susan Harris from the American Cricket Academy and Club came to school this week to demonstrate cricket with Parth Patel for the students in Classes 3-8. She brought equipment with her and guided some of our students in play. She was also kind enough to leave a set of equipment with us so that we can play with our students, which we plan to do in the spring. The game is somewhat similar to baseball and played on a field two soccer fields long. Our students really enjoyed it! We are grateful to Ms. Harris and Mrs. Patel for arranging this demonstration.