Viewing all posts in Category: Article

Meeting a Famous Missourian

October 6, 2016

Fourth Class student Suhani researched Mary Engelbreit as her Famous Missourian, so when the best-selling author and illustrator visited the St. Charles County library at Spencer Creek recently, Suhani’s mother took her to meet her. After presenting and answering questions, Mary signed books and calendars, including her newest work, A Night of Great Joy. Mrs. Reepmeyer—Suhani’s teacher and a longtime Mary Engelbreit fan herself—helped Suhani explain how the class had studied famous Missourians. Together they showed Mary the picture of Suhani standing next to her poster. Mary was humbled and said to Suhani, “Thanks for choosing me!” Mrs. Reepmeyer added, “It’s not every day that you get to meet your Famous Missourian in person!”

ASH Hall of Famous Missourians

September 30, 2016

Each year our Fourth Class students create life-sized posters of people who were born in, or had an impact in, Missouri. Great job, once again, Fourth Class, on this imaginative assignment!

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Alumni Quilt

September 30, 2016

This beautiful quilt could be yours! Chances will be sold at the Alumni Quilt Booth at Country Fair for $1 each or $5 for six.

Fourth Class Heritage Days

September 23, 2016

Our annual Fourth Class Heritage Day took place this morning. Students and their parents gathered in the White Center, where students created a Lewis and Clark timeline and performed a Lewis and Clark rap song.  Groups then fanned out to various places to draw silhouettes, make covered wagons, read favorite chapters of Lewis and Clark and Me, listen to Mrs. Matcalf read You Wouldn’t Want to be an American Pioneer!, and enjoy flapjacks and root beer courtesy of Sister Glavin and Mrs. Renken. What a fun morning! Thanks to all who took part in bringing to life the customs of long-ago.

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Walking in the Footsteps of Philippine

September 22, 2016

Eighth Class students were exhorted to walk In the Footsteps of Philippine during last Friday’s Commissioning Liturgy and ceremony in the Shrine.  All Academy students participate in Goal III of Sacred Heart education—Social Awareness which Impels to Action—but as our oldest students the Eighth Class are invited to exhibit leadership in serving others. Their parents and fellow Middle School students were on hand for this special invitation to growth.

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Academy Spirit

September 2, 2016

In the spirit of Goal Four, The Building of Community as a Christian Value, students and faculty/staff launched the school year with the traditional Mass of the Holy Spirit and introduced the concept of spirit houses. Using the names of our founding mothers, St. Madeleine Sophie Barat and St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, each student and adult is now a member of either the Duchesne House or the Barat House. Throughout the coming year, there will be special days designated as spirit days with celebrations and activities that allow for the houses to work and play together. Barat House proudly wears red, Duchesne House proudly wears white. The enthusiastic and generous sponsorship of a quiet benefactor made it possible for all of us to have these shirts. (Don’t be surprised that the shirts aren’t sent home; they will be kept at school to ensure they are available on spirit days.)

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Deni Heitmann Pool ’72 Headed to Rio

August 31, 2016

When the Paraolympics begin Sept. 7 in Rio de Janeiro, Deni Heitmann Pool ’72 will be there!

KSDK NewsChannel 5 shared the following:  “A new set of U.S. athletes are heading to Rio soon for the Paralympic Games. Two friends who work at TREE House — an equine assisted therapy program in Wentzville — will be there to serve as International Stewards. They are only two of three people from the United States selected to take part. NewsChannel 5 photojournalist Bob Hoehn spent some time with Denise Pool and Pat Sweeney today.”


August 26, 2016

Genevieve’s Gift Wrap Fundraiser is underway! Need to restock your gift wrap supply? Or Christmas decorations? Or chocolates and soup? Now through Tuesday, Sept. 13, you can visit and place an order. Be sure to use the Academy of the Sacred Heart’s account #:  14157. All orders of $70 or more receive FREE shipping. Happy Shopping! If you have any questions, please contact Mary Maher, Development Director.

Cheers to Another Year!

August 19, 2016

All ASH Moms are invited to celebrate another school year at ASH with a wine social on Friday, Sept. 9 from 7–9 p.m. in the Griesedieck Conference Room. In appreciation for all that you do, the Mothers’ Club will provide wine and light appetizers. RSVP to

Back to School for Classes 1–8

August 17, 2016

Welcome back to our students, parents and teachers! We’re looking forward to a banner year!

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