Viewing all posts in Category: Article

Super Speller

March 23, 2017

Congratulations to Rishi Tarapareddy, Fifth Class, who competed in the finals of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Spelling Bee on Saturday, March 18. Rishi was out in the fifth round with the word “roturier,” and the winner was declared in the seventh round. Great job, Rishi!   
[St. Louis Post-Dispatch photo]

7th and 8th Girls Expand their Horizons

March 17, 2017

Extracting DNA from a strawberry, mixing chemicals, creating a volcanic eruption, tracking turtles in Forest Park, and learning how to evaluate and care for athletes were just a few of the topics presented by female scientists during “Expanding Your Horizons,” a STEM conference for girls held March 13 at Florissant Valley Community College. The focus of the conference was to engage young women in experiences to spark an interest in STEM activities and careers—and our Seventh and Eighth Class girls were receptive to the message!

The keynote speaker highlighted the need for women in STEM fields and encouraged young women to develop 21st century skills of collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, communication and coding. She encouraged the girls to be problem solvers, to invest in themselves, to step up and get involved, to challenge themselves and to not be afraid. Hands-on workshops conducted by St. Louis area scientists followed.

Academic Bowl Success

March 16, 2017

Congratulations to our Seventh Class team on their second place finish in St. Dominic High School’s Academic Bowl on March 7. They were one of 12 teams competing in the Large School category; 22 teams participated in all. Well done, Seventh Class team members Brian, Ismael, Matthew, Paul, Nathan, Charlie, Matthew and Ansel!

Perfect Scores

March 14, 2017

Two Academy students received a perfect score in the second of three meets in this year’s WordMasters Challenge—a national vocabulary competition involving nearly 150,000 students annually.

Competing in the Gold Division, SIxth Class students Jaye McNeil and Christine Mwangi each earned a perfect score of 20 on the challenge—an accomplishment achieved by only 18 sixth graders in the nation! Another Academy student, Marian Cooley, also achieved an outstanding result with a score of 19. Students were coached in preparation for the WordMasters Challenge by Mrs. Laura Craig.

Two Hundred Years: A Legacy of Love and Learning

March 2, 2017

Jane Cannon will explore Academy history, based upon her research and subsequent book entitled Academy of the Sacred Heart – A Legacy of Love and Learning in a presentation at Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School on Friday, March 3 at 9:30 a.m. In addition to the school’s history, included in the book are sketches of some of the most memorable RSCJ (beginning with Philippine Duchesne and her four traveling companions in 1818), lyrics of Sacred Heart songs, quotes from former students and from nuns who taught here, buildings, clothing, statues, traditions and more. Following the presentation, this informative and valuable history will be available for purchase and autographing by the author. (Publication date and information tba)

The Sacred Heart Spirituality Speakers Series is sponsored by the Mums of Alums at Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School for the benefit of the entire Sacred Heart family. All are most welcome!

Click here for further information.


February 21, 2017

What a fun day! Once a year the Eighth Class surprises everyone with a play day they’ve planned for the rest of the school. Today was the day! Thanks, Class of 2017, for a fantastic Congé.  

Sister Glavin Receives St. George Award

February 15, 2017

Congratulations to Sister Maureen Glavin on recently receiving the ST. GEORGE AWARD, presented by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting acting through the Archdiocese of St. Louis, in recognition of “significant and outstanding contributions to the spiritual development of Catholic youth through scouting.” The award was presented to Sister Glavin on Sunday, Feb. 5, at St. Charles Borromeo church.

A Fun Day of Sharing the Love

February 14, 2017

Our We ♥ ASH Family and Friends Festival on Sunday was such fun! Thanks to all who attended, to those who shared their school with grandparents, to those who brought friends to see what the Academy of the Sacred Heart and the Shrine are like, to alums who returned for the day, to parents who helped with the book fair, and to all who volunteered in any way. Here’s a snapshot of all that was happening.

[nggallery id=249]

ASH Announces Next Head of School

February 10, 2017

On behalf of the Board of Trustees and Search Committee, Board Chair Bill Dulle announced today that Susan Tyree Dempf, Ph.D. will become the Academy’s next Head of School, beginning July 1, 2017. Currently the Director of the High School at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart in Miami, Dr. Dempf is a native of Upstate New York and was educated in the Sacred Heart tradition, having graduated from The Doane Stuart School in Albany. In addition to a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and a Master’s in Administration, she earned her Ph.D. in Teaching and Curriculum from Syracuse University. 

In a communication to the Academy community, Mr. Dulle stated, “Dr. Dempf’s selection is the culmination of a significant effort that included the screening of numerous qualified candidates, as well as input solicited from each of our Academy constituencies. We are grateful for the support and prayers of the entire Academy family throughout this process.”

We extend a warm welcome to Dr. Dempf.  

[For the full text of Mr. Dulle’s announcement, click here.]

We ♥ ASH – Schedule of Events

February 7, 2017

There’ll be lots to see and do on Sunday, Feb. 12 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.!


Hands-on Activities and Games in the Classrooms …  Scholastic Book Fair … Tours of the School and the Shrine of St. Philippine Duchesne … Hot Chocolate Bar, Picasso’s ASH Blend Coffee and Treats … Attendance Prizes … Photo Spot … Spirit Shop and more! We ♥ ASH Family and Friends Festival is free and open to all! Reservations not required. For further information, call 636-946-6127.

We ♥ ASH

February 7, 2017

Seventh and Eighth Class Student Ambassadors and Mission Squad members recently shared what they love about their school. Click here to watch.