Parents of any current or former Academy student are invited to wish Sister Glavin well during an Open House on Wednesday, May 17, from 3–6 p.m. in the Griesedieck Conference Room.
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Un Beau Chemin de Fer
Whether you were a first-time guest or a loyal auction attendee, our 2017 Chemin de Fer was a special event! Approximately 425 guests enjoyed all that Chemin has to offer: exciting auction prizes, lively bidding, delicious dinner and drinks, and catching up with ASH friends. Most memorable of all was the presence of nearly two dozen Religious of the Sacred Heart, who served as Honorary Chairs and whose attendance brought so many longtime friends to this largest Academy fundraiser of the year. Special thanks to Auction Chairs Elizabeth Grygo and David Smith and Co-Chairs Rick and Megan Kahn Lee, who oversaw every detail and who guided this Chemin train to a successful conclusion. Until next time, au revoir! [Most photos shown courtesy of Steven’s Photography]
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Give STL Day – Thursday, May 11
Tomorrow is Give STL Day — a 24-hour giving event sponsored by the St. Louis Community Foundation. If you’re thinking of making a gift to the Religious of the Sacred Heart Tuition Assistance Fund (Chemin’s Fund a Need), annual giving, etc., Thursday would be a good day to do it! There will be prizes and incentives awarded throughout the day to nonprofits, and drawings for Cardinals tickets for donors. Go to
Chemin de Fer Website
Are you ready for all the excitement of Saturday’s Chemin de Fer auction? (We are!) Go to our Chemin BidPal website to preview auction items, buy an ASH 300 ticket, contribute to Fund a Need, and more! If you have questions, please call 636-946-6127.
For general information about Chemin de Fer, click here.
Sixth Class Present St. Madeleine Sophie Barat Play
To commemorate the anticipated feast of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, today the Sixth Class gave two performances on the life of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat in Cribbin Hall. Their parents and Classes 3–8 enjoyed the production, which was directed by Sister Margaret Munch.
First Holy Communion
Congratulations to our Second Class students who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday (April 22). God’s blessings on each of them! May they always be one with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Pilgrims Journey to the Shrine of Philippine
On Sunday, April 23, a philosopher (age 80), a theologian (76), and a pilgrim (53) began walking from Mound City, Kansas, to St. Charles, in honor of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne. They are taking a spiritual and historical journey by foot, connecting the area where St. Philippine prayed with the Potawatomi near Mound City to her first school and resting place at the Academy. We look forward to following their progress here, and welcoming them on their (anticipated) final day, May 18.
The School on North Second Street
Academy archivist Theresa Grass and Sister Margaret Munch will present “The School on North Second Street: The Academy of the Sacred Heart in St. Charles History” at the St. Charles County Historical Society’s quarterly luncheon meeting on Saturday, April 29, at Pio’s Restaurant, 403 First Capitol Drive. The program and lunch are open to the public; $17 if paid in advance; $20 at the door. Reservations requested by April 26. For more information or to register, click here.
NCEA Photo of the Day
Academy faculty members surrounding the life-size Flat Philippine at the Shrine booth at the NCEA 2017 convention in St. Louis on Tuesday made for an engaging photo—so engaging that it was chosen as the NCEA Photo of the Day! Happily posing with our patron saint are, clockwise from left, Mrs. Brakensiek, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Strickland, Mrs. O’Connor, Mrs. Kaemmerlen and Mrs. Robin.
Academy faculty and staff members attended the first day of the convention, participating in the opening mass with 8,000+ other Catholic educators from around the country, hearing from leaders in break-out sessions, and perusing scores of booths in the grand hall of America’s Center. NCEA 2017—providing inspiration and affirming our Catholic identity. (Fun fact—the very first NCEA convention was held in St. Louis, in 1904.)
St. Philippine Duchesne Elected to St. Louis Walk of Fame
Sister Glavin recently received the exciting news that St. Philippine Duchesne has been elected to the St. Louis Walk of Fame! The induction event will take place on Friday, June 23, the Feast of the Sacred Heart, at 11:30 a.m. at her star and plaque, 6241 Delmar in The Loop. A ragtime band will play before and after the star and plaque are unveiled. All are welcome to attend.
What a fun and engaging event to add to the slate of bicentennial activities getting underway this summer!
Stations of the Cross
Today some of our Middle School students led a traditional Holy Week devotion, the Stations of the Cross, which commemorate our Lord’s Passion and Death. Sixth Class students led the morning Stations of the Cross, and Fifth Class students the afternoon’s. Classes 1–8 were invited to attend.