This will be a busy week at the Academy. In addition to welcoming summer campers to Bricks 4 Kidz, Showtime and math camps, we look forward to hosting almost 150 visitors from fellow Sacred Heart schools throughout the United States. Administrators arrive today for a spiritual leadership seminar. Other Sacred Heart faculty and staff members will be on campus Tuesday through Friday for the Network’s annual “Roots that Give Us Wings” conference. And on Wednesday, board members of AASH, the national association of alumnae and alumni of the Sacred Heart, will arrive for its annual board meeting.
What’s more, eight girls from this year’s graduating class will be taking part in our second ASH Ability Awareness Camp. They’ll be volunteering as junior counselors for children with special needs at Camp We Can Du, sponsored by DASA, the Disabled Athlete Sports Association. The ASH counselors will spend off-hours at the Academy, eating meals together and reflecting on their days at camp. This experience exemplifies Goal III of Sacred Heart Education—A Social Awareness Which Impels to Action.