
Home to the Heart

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What a heartwarming, joyous event was Saturday’s Home to the Heart Bicentennial kickoff!  It was wonderful to welcome approximately 300 guests to the Academy’s historic rooms and hallways to celebrate our 200th year, visit with friends, recall special places and spaces, delight in the archival display, browse in the Bicentennial Boutique and Shrine Gift Shop, and enjoy bountiful hors d’oeuvres and treats. In addition, Jane Cannon was on hand to sign copies of her Academy history, Two Hundred Years: A Legacy of Love and Learning.

[Visit Home to the Heart Photo Gallery]

At the evening’s halfway mark, Head of School Dr. Susan Dempf offered remarks in Cribbin Hall, and in gratitude invited the Religious of the Sacred Heart in attendance to join her. Academy music teacher Laurie Kirchoff Strickland ’76 led the crowd in singing “Coeur de Jesus” while volunteers passed out Bicentennaire Cuvee, the Bicentennial wine specially produced by French winemaker Jean-Louis Chave. The crowd happily toasted the Academy’s next 100 years, then ASH Alumni followed Mrs. Strickland’s lead in a spirited rendition of the school song. 

[Watch Coeur de Jesus video]

Our gratitude abounds! Thank you to our guests, student greeters, volunteer check-in and pickup personnel, cooks, bakers, bartenders, decorating crew, boutique and gift shop staff, and school staff who supported the event. Heartfelt thanks to our Home to the Heart Committee, with special recognition to Michelle Thro Schrick ’76 for pulling together the food, drinks and many details of the night, and to Diane Carroll Boerding ’76 for her trademark staging and decorating expertise. Tres bien!
