We celebrated the feast of our sainted foundress, Rose Philippine Duchesne, on Friday, Nov. 16. The school community gathered in Rauch Memorial for her feast day liturgy, and shared the following Communion meditation, written by Kim King, RSCJ:
When we are asked to be bold and courageous,
You are our inspiration
When our imaginations dream and see beyond the limits of our sight,
You are our hope
When we fail to meet a challenge and need to accept our limitations,
You are our model
When we pray with the desire for deep union with God,
You are our Saint
And with your blessing, to the greater glory of God, we seek to be loving people who live and serve others with your same purpose, vision, and quiet humility.
Learn more about Philippine Duchesne’s life as a Religious of the Sacred Heart, and be inspired by many of her quotations on the Network of Sacred Heart Schools’ website.