We celebrate the Class of 2019 as they share their plans for the fall. We are proud of their hard work and accomplishments and look forward to the next phase of their journeys.

Madeline (Maggie) Alexander
Visitation Academy
High School Highlights: St. Jane de Chantal Award (founders award, selected by classmates), Alumni Award (selected by faculty to crown Mary and to uphold high school class as alumna), Distinguished Missouri Seal of Biliteracy, Junior Recipient of Principals Award, President of Spanish Club, Vice President of Spirit Club, JV and Varsity Basketball, Varsity Volleyball, Soccer, volunteered with Christian Life Club, served at Room At The Inn.
What’s Next: Madeline is studying Biochemistry (Bachelor of Arts) on the Pre-Medical track in the School of Science and Engineering at Saint Louis University. She received a SLU Catholic High School Award, Vice-Presidential Scholarship, and Jesuit Community Award
Madeline shares, “The Academy established the importance of learning subjectively rather than objectively. I learned to apply myself to what I was learning and to use that in my daily life. I will never forget the way my teachers frequently reminded me of the importance of having the desire to learn. We were taught to understand that we were not being forced to learn but that we spent our days at the Academy because we had a love for learning. It sounds too good to be true, but my memories of soaking up cultural information in global studies and classmates having deep conversations in eighth grade theology class attest to this statement. This love for learning has opened up my world. The Academy is the reason I don’t simply learn for good grades but because I have the genuine intent to understand. The Academy has given me a concrete foundation by instilling in me morals, goals (The Five Goals), a strong faith, and the ability to know and share love.”
Jenna Cherry
Lutheran St. Charles
High School Highlights: Academic Honor Roll all 4 years, Academic All-Conference 1st and 2nd team, Varsity Track and Field, Volleyball (received MVP award freshman year), Art Club
What’s Next: Jenna is heading to the University of Arkansas to study business management.
Jenna’s favorite memory was getting to visit Camp Lakewood and get closer with my classmates. She says, “The Academy helped shape me into the person I am today and taught me good moral values that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Not only did I blossom as a person, but I also learned the value of hard work and to never give up no matter how hard it gets.”
George Gaylord
CBC High School 
High School Highlights: 3 time varsity soccer player
What’s Next: George will be attending McKendree University and plans to study exercise sciences. He received a Dean’s Scholarship.
George shares his favorite memory: “Conge my 8th grade year with Ishaq as Shrek and me as Donkey!”
Naomi Hammell
Visitation Academy
High School Highlights: Member of NHS (10-12), president of Christian Life Community club (a club dedicated to building community through service), Concert Choir, acted in many theatre productions, golf, participated in many clubs
What’s Next: Naomi plans to study forensic science at Saint Louis University. She received a Vice President Scholarship and Catholic High School Scholarship.
Favorite Memory: One of my very favorite traditions at the Academy is the crowning of Mary ceremony held in May. Seeing everyone all dressed up in their dress uniform and the 8th graders in their graduation attire makes the occasion so special!
Naomi shares, “I am so grateful for my time at the Academy. It prepared me well to succeed both academically and socially in high school which in turn prepared me well for college.”
Heidi Hartwig
Duchesne High School
High School Highlights: Graduated Cum Laude, Varsity Dance Team (4 years), Varsity Track and Field (4 years), Outreach, Key Club, Student Ambassadors, House Officer
What’s Next: Heidi will attend Missouri State University to study radiology.
Heidi shares, “The Academy prepared me not only academically but personally as well. Going into high school, I felt so prepared with all of the life skills I had been taught. I am forever grateful for my time at the Academy and will continue to use what I learned in my everyday life!”
Ishaq Karim
St. Louis University High School
What’s Next: Ishaq is heading to the University of Miami to study Computer Science.
Jamie Koester
Cor Jesu Academy
High School Highlights: Literary Society, D&D Club
What’s Next: Jamie will study Environmental Engineering at Missouri S&T.
Emma Larkin
St. Dominic High School
High School Highlights: Honor Roll (4 years).
Departmental Award from Journalism Department, Magna Cum Laude, Chief Video Editor for Journalism Department, Peer Minister, Team Photographer and Media Manager for Football, boys and girls Basketball, boys and girls Volleyball, National Honor Society – Historian, President of Photography Club
What’s Next: Emma will study Journalism and Strategic Communications at the University of Missouri – Columbia. She received a Chancellors Award as well as a David Halvorsen Memorial Scholarship – School of Journalism
Emma writes, “The Academy has been more than influential in creating the person that I am today. Whether it was my teachers, fellow classmates, or just a smile in the hallway, it is the community of the Academy that molded me into the person I am. I take pride in my organizational and study skills, in always putting my faith first, and striving in my academics. I brought these values and more important ones with me to St. Dominic High School and will continue to bring a deep respect for intellectual values, an active faith in God, and the goal of social awareness that impels me to action into my next chapter in life. Thank you for giving all alums a welcoming community to come back home to. Every once and a while I still just take a drive and visit campus, just to look at the home that will always hold a place in my heart!”
Jaye McNeil
Mercy High School, Farmington Hills, MI
High School Highlights: Valedictorian/Salutorian Finalist, Magna Cum Laude,
National Honor Society, Academic Honors – Science, Scholastic Art Award-gold key, silver key, 2 honorable mentions, Mercy Scholar- Athlete
What’s Next: Jaye will attend the University of Michigan. She received a Regent’s Scholarship.
Grace Pund
Visitation Academy
High School Highlights: Distinguished Missouri Seal of Biliteracy, Spanish Department Award for highest GPA over 4 years, Visitation Student Leadership Award, National Merit Finalist; Grace ran Viz’s coffee shop (Crescent Coffee), started a chapter of FBLA, wrote for school newspaper (Paper Moon), served as layout editor for school literary magazine (Vizions), Youth and Government, Missouri Girls State, and currently helping teach an ACT prep class at the Boys and Girls Club
What’s Next: Grace will attend Creighton University to study Business Intelligence and Analytics. She received a Scott Scholars Program (full ride and academic stipend) and National Merit Ascension Scholarship.
Grace says, “I loved planning Conge with my class because not only was it fun, but it taught us about leading small groups and how to manage so many moving parts.
I loved the Spanish program at Sacred Heart. After talking to so many people about the language programs at their grade schools, I believe Sacred Heart has the best. After completing Spanish 2 in 8th grade, I felt very confident in my communication skills, and I graduated with a passion for the subject because of the quality teachers.
I loved how accessible school leadership was. This is partially because it’s a small school, but it’s also because of the mindset that students should be responsible for their personal growth. We were able to meet with Mrs. Renken as often as we wanted to discuss ideas we had, ask questions, or just chat. For instance, in 8th grade some of us pitched a weekly rosary during the month of May for the entire school and she supported us as we developed the program and how we would present this to the school. This really helped us develop our leadership skills, which I can see as I look at my classmates to this day. It also meant so much to us that when we suggested doing a parade for our class on our last day of 8th grade, they took the idea and ran with it, which made our last day feel incredibly special, and now it’s a tradition!”
Ally Ruffino
Cor Jesu Academy

High School Highlights: 4 years of High Honors as a National Honor Society member, Student Ambassador Shadow Guide, Ensemble Choir, Varsity tennis, service projects (knitting blankets for dogs and cats at the ASPCA and traveling to the Appalachian Mountains to rehabilitate homes for the needy). Ally was selected to conduct an Independent Science Research project that utilized bacteriophages AP3 and AP7 to halt the growth of crown galls in sunflowers. In addition, she was awarded a Food Sciences Summer Internship position with International Food Products Corporation.
What’s Next: Ally will enter the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee as a sophomore this fall pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology, Pre-Med. She received the UWM Excellence Award, the Chancellor’s Merit Scholarship, the Black and Gold Scholarship, and the New Directions Scholarship.
Ally shares, “The Academy has prepared me so well for high school and college. I find easy to organize my time and have used so many of the study habits I learned at ASH.”
Clair Stewart
Francis Howell High School
High School Highlights: Graduated Summa Cum Laude, Tennis, Cross Country and Track (Varisty), School newspaper (Editor), Yearbook, MO Youth and Government, Model U.N.
What’s Next: Clair is heading to Miami University of Ohio where she plans to study Political Science and Design Communication. She received a Red Hawk Academic Excellence Scholarship,
Clair shares, “I have so many treasured ASH memories that it’s hard to choose, but I loved Camp Lakewood, Conge, Field Day, and praying the Rosary before school in the Shrine.”
Maria Williams
Visitation Academy (9 & 10), The British School of Warsaw, Poland (11 & 12)
High School Highlights: Świadectwo z czerwonym paskiem (National Honor Roll), Volleyball and Soccer; Co-founded a program for Ukrainian refugees which provided the opportunity for community networking.
What’s Next: Maria is returning with her family to St. Charles and will be attending St. Louis University in the fall.
Maria says, “My favorite memories at the Academy were during 7th and 8th grade. Our class was so tight-knit and I felt incredibly supported by my teachers. I never dreaded waking up for school. Overall, my time at the Academy was transformative, shaping not only strong academic abilities, but also driving me to establish well-rounded character and deepen my faith. I know that my time spent at the Academy formed my strong academic foundation which will allow me to fearlessly take on higher education. The Academy provides such a large and caring community which will always be my home!”
Class of 2018
Class of 2018
We celebrate the Class of 2018 as they share their plans for the fall. We are proud of their hard work and accomplishments and look forward to the next phase of their journeys!

Jillian Alexander
Incarnate Word Academy
High School Highlights: Honor Roll all semesters; President of Yoga Club; co-president of Student Ambassadors; Board of Respect Life; treasurer of NHS
What’s Next: Jillian is heading to the University of Arkansas to study marketing.
The Academy prepared me very well for high school. I was able to have a strong handle on time management and perform very well in classes because the Academy gave me such a strong foundation.
Andrew Barbee
Christian Brothers College High School
High School Highlights: Honor Roll; Soccer; Golf
What’s Next: Andrew is attending the University of Arkansas to study business finance. He received a New Arkansasian scholarship.
Favorite memories: Congé, Country Fair and Chemin de Fer
Abby Jordan
Visitation Academy
High School Highlights: Honor Roll, National Honor Society; Varsity soccer: Varsity cross country (co-captain); Spirit Club executive; Youth and Government judge; Theater department student head: Basketball team manager
What’s Next: Abby is heading to the University of Notre Dame to study electrical engineering.
I really miss Congé and Field Day! I also love reminiscing about my ASH student council days and robotics, as well as Mrs. Ahlheim’s turtle!
Faith Klakovich
Visitation Academy
High School Highlights: National Honor Society; Seal of Biliteracy; Volleyball; Tennis; Spanish Club; Spirit Club
What’s Next: Faith will be studying Marine Affairs at the University of Miami (FL). She received a President’s Scholarship.
Matthew Kluba
Saint Louis University High School 
High School Highlights: First Honors (4 years); Father Hagan Award (received by two seniors who show school spirit toward the school); Soccer (4 years); Baseball (2 years); Rugby (1 year) — State Champion and 2nd team All State; Pastoral Team (4 years), Admissions Ambassador; STUCO Spirit Leader; President’s Ambassador; Senior Advisor; Saint Louis Youth Leadership
What’s Next: Matthew will be heading to Marquette University to study Public Relations/Advertising. He received the Pere Marquette Scholarship, Magis Scholarship and Ignatian Distinction Scholarship.
My favorite memory has to be going down to Camp Lakewood during 7th and 8th Grade. I got to see my teachers in a whole new light and work with my fellow classmates finishing challenges and completing team building activities. The Academy has prepared me so much for my time during high school and now leading into the next chapter of my life. I always say thank you to my teachers after every lesson and always look people in the eye when I’m trying to have a conversation with them. These little things have made me the man I am and without the Academy, I wouldn’t be the same.
Matthew Leight
Saint Louis University High School
High School Highlights: AP Scholar with Distinction; National Merit Finalist; Missouri Scholars Academy Representative; First Honors in Scholarship; Euclidean Division Math Award; Bausch + Lomb Honorary Science Award; Andrew Lonigro Award; Robotics; Mock Trial; Photography Club; STEM Club; Rocketry Club; Boeing Explorer Post; Clavius Project;
Transforming A Life Coat Drive; Service at McCormack House and Garfield Place; Retreat Set-Up Crew
What’s Next: Matthew is heading to Purdue to study engineering. He received the Nation Merit Purdue University Scholarship.
One of my favorite ASH traditions is Congé because it was one of the first opportunities for me and my class to be leaders independently for younger students while also having a ton of fun. It is also a very unique event that I think sets ASH apart.
One of my favorite memories was acting out scenes from Macbeth in Mrs. Walsh’s class, and having the characters and plot really come out through my own actions. I think what made that and other memories like it possible was how much the teachers and staff were engaged in teaching us and how close and caring the community there was.
The school space itself is also a key part of how I remember ASH, as I can still remember nearly every hall in the school. It has some great spaces–the Shrine, Library, the Regis Building–that give ASH a great atmosphere and foundation for the learning and interactions that take place there.
I think that ASH gave me a great start for getting into and succeeding in high school, and from all the places my friends are now going I believe that applies for them too.
Abhi Malladi
Christian Brothers College High School
High School Highlights: Josh Sidel STEM Award recipient; Baseball; Chess; Robotics; Cyber Security; Hackathons
What’s Next: Abhi will be attending Saint Louis University to study computer science. He received SLU Schorlarships and a Josh Sidel Award Scholarship.
ASH was a wonderful place with wonderful teachers who would always put the best interests of their students first and a place where students can begin their relationships with others.
Broden Masters
Christian Brothers College High School
High School Highlights: The CBC Business Award recipient; Started the CBC finance club, “The Brothers of Wall Street “; co-created the CBC Trap team which won the State Championship in their first year.
What’s Next: Broden is heading to Creighton University, Heider School of Business to study finance. He received the Founders Scholarship.
Favorite memories: Basketball practices and games. Good luck to all my ASH friends on their next adventure!
Paul McClain
Christian Brothers College High School
High School Highlights: Honors; National Honor Society; Robotics; Tennis, Billiken Beams, Chess Club, Theater Stagecraft
What’s Next: Paul will be studying mechanical engineering at University of Alabama, Huntsville. He received a UAH Academic Excellence Scholarship.
Brian O’Loughlin
DeSmet Jesuit & Lutheran North
High School Highlights: Honor Roll all semesters; academic and basketball scholarships from five universities; Service projects every semester; Varsity basketball (3 years).
What’s Next: Brian will be attending Chicago East-West University where he will study sports management/business. He’s looking forward to playing college basketball.
Favorite memories: Sister Glavin was the BEST! Taking First Place in standing long jump competition for All Area Catholic Schools.
Sydney Poulsen
Incarnate Word Academy
High School Highlights: Highest Honor Roll
What’s Next: Sydney is heading to the University of Missouri – Columbia to study computer science. She received Merit scholarships.
Favorite memories: I always loved having Congé every year and getting to spend time with my classmates.
Nathan Rich
St. Louis University High School
High School Highlights: Highest Honors; National Merit Finalist; Raterman Award for English; Prep News; Band; Jazz Band; Tennis; STEM Club; NHS
What’s Next: Nathan will be attending Tulane University to study architecture. He received a Dean’s Honor Scholarship and Leadership Scholar Award.
Leading Congé as an eighth grader was definitely one of the best experiences of my time at ASH. Not only was it super fun, I got to take all of the work of former eighth graders who made my Congés special and pay it forward. Plus, the weather was awesome!
Anna Robben
Incarnate Word Academy
High School Highlights: President’s Education Award; Technical Theater Award; STEM Award; Excellence in Creative Writing Award; Excellence in Photography Award; Summa Cum Laude; Honors all four years; Anime Club; Science Club; FTC Robotics Team; International Thespian Society; One Acts director and writer
What’s Next: Anna will be attending Missouri University of Science and Technology for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. She received the Groundbreaker Scholarship and Kummer Vanguard Scholarship.
I will forever be grateful and never forget the unique relationships and experiences I had at ASH.
Ansel Smith
Christian Brothers College High School
High School Highlights: Valedictorian; National Merit Finalist; Honors; Varsity Chess Team; Cybersecurity Club; Hackathon Team; Serving Servicemen
What’s Next: Ansel will study mathematics at the University of Alabama. He received a National Merit Finalist Package.
Charlie Vonderheid
Saint Louis University High School
High School Highlights: First Academic Honors in all 8 semesters; Racquetball; Volleyball; Pastoral Team; Admissions Ambassadors; National Honors Society
What’s Next: Charlie is heading to Creighton University to study finance and business analytics. He received the Creighton University Magis Award.
My favorite tradition at ASH was Congé, especially when our class got to plan it. It was very fun being able to surprise the entire school with a day of activities. I also remember how amazing all of the teachers were at the Academy.
Summer Whittaker
Whitfield School 
High School Highlights: GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance)
What’s Next: Summer will be attending Loyola University Chicago to study psychology. She received a Dean’s Scholarship.
Class of 2017
Class of 2017

We celebrate the Class of 2017 as they finish high school and share their plans for the fall. We are proud of their hard work and accomplishments and look forward to the next phase of their journeys!
Ella Abegg
Cor Jesu Academy
High School Highlights: Honors all four years, high honors sophomore-senior year, varsity swim and dive including state team, competitive ultimate frisbee, LASTing project (20 hour service project)
What’s Next: Anna is heading to Missouri State University to study Secondary Education. She received several scholarships based on her GPA.
My favorite memories were Congé and Mission Day. I also am a huge fan of cache-cache.
Laurel Grelle
St. Joseph’s Academy
High School Highlights: First Honors all four years, National Honors Society, Freshman Basketball, Varsity Track and Field, Spanish Honors Society, National Art Honors Society, Cup of Joe (coffee shop) manager
What’s Next: Laurel will be studying graphic design at the University of Dayton. She received a Trustees’ Merit Scholarship, Commitment to Catholic Education Award and Textbook Scholarship
My favorite memory from ASH is field day. I always loved competing in the different events and picking up ribbons at the end of the day.
Zoe Grotjan
Fort Zumwalt West
High School Highlights: Summa Cum Laude, Honor Roll, Theater, Junior Optimist International, Drama Club, Jaguar Connection (Peer Mentoring), SPED Peer Mentor, Choir, ITS
What’s Next: Zoe is heading to Emory University, Oxford College to study business.
I loved helping out and all the traditions at ASH. My favorite memories were all the people, the joy and the love I encountered at the Academy.
Rollin “RJ” Jackson
High School Highlights: Honor Roll all four years, Yearbook Club, Marianist Life Community, Spanish Club, Health and Nutrition Club, Band, Drama, Chaminade Student Programming Network, Esto Vir Ambassador, swimming and volleyball. In addition, RJ was named Missouri Scout of the Year by the VFW.
What’s Next: RJ will be attending Morehouse College to study political science and global leadership.
My favorite Academy memories would be the Country Fairs with my friends, getting to put on Congé, and late dismissal fun.
Morgan Minnix
St. Dominic High School
High School Highlights: Graduated Cum Laude, Honor Roll all four years, Concert Choir, Ambassadors Club, Tennis manager
What’s Next: Morgan received a Merit Scholarship and GPA related scholarships to Lindenwood, Mizzou, and Missouri State. She chose Lindenwood University.
I loved going to Country Fair, hosting Congé, and doing the Maypole with my friends!
Ashlyn Mueller
Duchesne High School
High School Highlights: Graduated Cum Laude (with honors), 4 year varsity cheerleader
What’s Next: Ashlyn plans to study Elementary Education and minor in Early Childhood and Spanish at Missouri Southern State University. She received an A+ Award, MOSO Merit Gold Scholarship and cheerleading scholarship.
If I could do my Academy experience over again I would. The memories and friendships I made there are forever lasting and I couldn’t be more grateful for what the Academy has given me in every aspect of my life.
Berkeley Rebman
Villa Duchesne
High School Highlights: Graduation with Honors, Goal 4 Award, Student Council Vice President, Ambassadors, Yearbook, volleyball manager
What’s Next: Berkeley earned a Dean’s Scholarship and will be heading to the University of Denver where she will be part of the Pioneer Leadership Program which earns a minor in Leadership Studies.
I am so grateful for my Academy education as it propelled me to take on leadership roles in and out of the classroom. The Academy taught me to take risks and to not be afraid of potential failure. I learned how solve problems so that even in times of failure, I could work toward a successful solution.
Mollie Roberts
Francis Howell North High School 
High School Highlights: Honor Roll all four years, National Honor Society, Quill & Scroll Honor Society, 4.0 Student, Missouri Seal of Biliteracy Recipient in Spanish, Manga Cum Laude, HOSA, Varsity Basketball manager, Varsity Volleyball manager, Lacrosse team, Editor-in-Chief of the Yearbook, Mu Alpha Theta, FHN Student Mentor
What’s Next: Mollie is attending the University of Mississippi where she is pursuing a degree in Allied Health Studies and minoring in Spanish in hopes of being a travel nurse. She received a Missouri College Prep Scholarship and an Academic Honor Scholarship.
I loved getting to go to Mass with my classmates and participate in Maypole at graduation. Getting to dance at Silver Tea in eighth grade is something I will never forget!
Claire Schnurr
St. Dominic High School
High School Highlights: Salutatorian, Honor Roll all four years, National Honor Society leadership team, Spanish Club leadership team, Student Council, George Washington Carver Award recipient, Missouri Seal of Biliteracy recipient.
What’s Next: Claire received multiple scholarships, including Vice President’s Scholarship to St. Louis University and Presidential Scholarship to Xavier. She chose University of Missouri — Columbia where she received a Curators Scholars Award and will be studying nursing.
Some of my favorite memories from ASH were with my friends playing soccer and basketball to spending time with each other at Country Fair to planning Congé in 8th grade. ASH was a great time that has prepared me for high school, college, and my future.
Emily Stellern
Villa Duchesne
High School Highlights: Salutatorian, Honors with distinction, Math Club, Women’s Empowerment Club, varsity soccer, basketball manager
What’s Next: Emily received a RedHawk Excellence Scholarship to Miami University and plans to study business economics.
One of my favorite things about the Academy was probably just late dismissal in general. I got super close with the people there since we would be with each other pretty much every day and I always enjoyed hanging out with everyone and messing around.
Payton Thornton
Incarnate Word Academy
High School Highlights: Swim and Dive, Yoga Club, Philanthropy Club, Student Ambassadors, Senior Family Leader
What’s Next: Payton will attend University of Mississippi and study Integrated Marketing Communications.
My favorite memories were always all of my Congés that we had. I also just love spending time with my classmates. Lastly the teachers is what made my time at the Academy so special.
Madison Weishaar
St. Joseph’s Academy
High School Highlights: First Honors all four years, STEM scholar, Beta Chi Pi, MU Alpha Theta, National Honor Society, Chief of yearbook, head builder of the robotics team
What’s Next: Madison is heading to the University of Missouri — Columbia where she is studying Animal Science Pre-Vet. She received an Excellence Award and Wurdack Natural Resources Research Fund scholarship.
Maypole is my favorite memory!
Jack Wyeth
High School Highlights: Valedictorian, Special Honors and Academic Excellence Award all 4 years, National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Marianist Life Community, Esto Vir Ambassador, Culinary Club, Fishing Club, Liturgical Choir, Golf
What’s Next: Jack will be studying computer science at Missouri S & T. He received the GroundBreaker Scholarship.
The Academy prepared me for high school by teaching me personal responsibility. I understood quickly the high expectations my teachers had of me and stepped up to the challenge. I learned the importance of being organized and thorough when completing my assignments. Most importantly, I attribute my success to lots of hard work and the support my teachers at the Academy and Chaminade gave to me over the years.
Are you missing? Complete the form below and we’ll be sure to include you!
Class of 2017 Graduates’ Gallery
Class of 2016
Class of 2016

We celebrate the Class of 2016 as they finish high school and share their plans for the fall. We are proud of their hard work and accomplishments and look forward to the next phase of their journeys!
Katie Augsburger
St. Joseph’s Academy
High School Highlights: Academic First Honors (all 4 years) and STEM scholar, Robotics team, Math Honor Society, Science Honor Society, French Honor Society
What’s Next: Katie is heading to the University of Arkansas where she plans to study Biomedical Engineering. She received a New Arkansan Non-Residential Tuition Award Scholarship
“I was scared at first to transfer to ASH because I was coming in the middle of the year, but in the end I couldn’t have been happier. I made some of the most amazing friends and unforgettable memories.”
Rhiannon Blattel 
Visitation Academy
High School Highlights: JV Soccer, Happiness Club, Baking Club, President of Gaming Club
What’s Next: Rhiannon received a Webster Blue Scholarship to attend Webster University where she plans to major in Computer Science with a certificate in Game Design
Favorite Academy Memory: Eighth Class lock-in. “It was so much fun playing school-wide hide-and-seek!”
Mitchell Booher
Saint Louis University High
High School Highlights: First Honors, Varsity Lacrosse, Varsity Hockey, Varsity Cross Country, Prep News Core Staff, Men for Life, Senior Spirit Leader
What’s Next: Mitchell will be heading to Boston University to study Business Marketing.
Favorite Academy Memory: I loved the morning STUCO meetings and hosting the Talent Show in Eighth Class.
“I grew up at ASH and will always cherish the time I spent there.”
Tommy Briner
Westminster Christian Academy
High School Highlights: Football, Baseball
What’s Next: Tommy will attend the University of Missouri—Columbia, where he’ll enter the School of Journalism.
“The final couple years I spent at ASH were some of the best times of my life. My friends then are still my friends now, even if we didn’t go to high school together. I was looking forward to coming back to speak at the Seventh Class retreat, but it didn’t end up happening. Thank you all for preparing us for the rest of our lives. I was certainly ready academically, but what stands out to me is the maturity that ASH taught me – how to be respectful, how to talk to adults, and how to have relationships with one another. Thank you!”
Josh Brown 
Saint Louis University High
High School Highlights: First Honors all 4 years, 4x Varsity Swim Team (2x MSHSAA State Champion), National Honors Society, President’s Ambassador, Medical Careers Club
What’s Next: Josh is heading to the University of Missouri—Columbia, where he’ll study Biology. He received a Mizzou Scholars Award, Chancellor’s Award and Bright Flight Scholarship.
“I really loved my time at ASH. It truly shaped me into the person I am today through the habits I developed and friendships I made there.”
Zoë Coffman
Nerinx Hall High School
High School Highlights: Honor Roll for all four years, National Honor Society, Student Body Vice President, Honors Choir Section Leader, Recipient of the 2020 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Model of Justice Award
What’s Next: Zoë will be attending Howard University where she plans to study Sociology. She received a Howard University Freshman Scholarship.
Favorite Academy Memory: Eighth Class lock-in and Congé
“ASH provided me and my classmates with the education necessary to become the passionate and powerful leaders our world needs.”
Michael Dee
Saint Louis University High School
High School Highlights: First Honors, Freshman Football, Gaelic Football, ACES – Social Justice Club, Men for Life – Pro-Life Club
What’s Next: Michael plan to study psychiatry at the University of Missouri – Columbia. He received an Excellence Award.
Favorite Academy Memory: One of my favorite memories is the lock-in we had with our class. Some great traditions are Congé and signing our names in “the secret room” as eighth graders.
“I appreciate my education, and the lasting friendships I made at the Academy.”
Dominic DiPasquale
Duchesne High School
High School Highlights: Track & Field, Student Ambassadors, Scholars’ Academy
What’s Next: Dominic will be attending Saint Louis University. He received a Vice President’s Scholarship and Catholic High School Scholarship.
Favorite Academy Memory: The Eighth Class celebrations and graduation
Maura Golab
Duchesne High School
High School Highlights: Summa Cum Laude, National Honor Society, President’s List, qualified for Bright Flight Scholarship, Scholars Academy Graduate, Silver Service Award (250-350 service hours), Ambassadors, Swim and Dive Team (voted captain sophomore year and every year after), plays and musicals (acting and stage crews), choir. Maura also spent time working with special needs children at the St. Peters Cultural Arts Center art camps, helping at Five Acres Animal Shelter, and working various events around ASH, DHS, and the community.
What’s Next: Maura will be attending the Rochester Institute of Technology where she was among about 10% of applicants to be accepted into the Animation Program. She earned a Presidential Scholarship and a Performing Arts Scholarship.
“The chances we had to interact with the community through service really inspired me to continue volunteering. I am so glad we were able to have this experience at ASH; it gave me confidence to go out on my own and continue working. Thank you!”
Ryan Graham
Barat Academy
High School Highlights Valedictorian, President’s Honors, National Honor Society, Honor Council, Youth Leadership St. Louis, Stage Crew Manager, Pit Band, and Robotics
What’s Next: Ryan will be studying Journalism at Maryville University. He received the Barat Scholarship.
Favorite Academy Memory: I really enjoyed the 8th class lock-in and hanging out with my friends.
Bridget Hagene
Cor Jesu Academy
High School Highlights: High Honors, National Merit Finalist, National Honor Society, Track and Field, Cross Country, STUCO – senior class president
What’s Next: Bridget is heading to the University of Kentucky to study Engineering. She received a Patterson Scholarship.
“My favorite memories at ASH all center around the various traditions. Our eighth grade year was especially exciting and special for us, and I am so thankful to have met so many of my best friends at the Academy.”
Paige Hardy 
Nerinx Hall High School
High School Highlights: Second Honors, International Music Club, Track and Field, Anime Club, Diversity Club, Medical Health Careers Club
What’s Next: Paige will be heading to Drake University and received a Crew Scholars Program Scholarship, DVALI Program Scholarship and Presidential Scholarship.
Favorite Academy Memory: Our Eighth Class retreat definitely left a long-lasting, emotional impact on me.
Francis Howell North High School
High School Highlights: Honor Roll, George Washington Carver Award, Missouri College Prep Award, President’s Award for Education Excellence, S.A.A. Award, Missouri Department of Higher Education – Bright Flight, Varsity Tennis, National Honor Society, Lewis and Clark Career Center Health Occupations Program, SkillsUSA
What’s Next: Amanda received a Board of Governors Scholarship to study at Missouri State University.
“The Academy really gave me the foundation I needed to succeed in school. It taught me so much more than just the school subjects. It taught me how it feels to be part of a community that truly cares about each member and will work tirelessly to help each one be successful in their own way. I’ve felt beyond prepared for high school and now feel ready to take the next step as I move on to college. I was lucky that ASH taught me the concept of working hard from the beginning.”
Victor Himich
Saint Louis University High School
High School Highlights: First Honors, Football (Freshman), Track & Field (Freshman), National Honor Society
What’s Next: Victor will be attending Saint Louis University where he’ll be studying Business-Sports Business. He received a SLU Vice President Tuition Scholarship, SLU Jesuit High School Award and a Missouri Bright Flight Scholarship
Favorite Academy Memory: Football and soccer at break and Eighth Class basketball and soccer season
Natalie Murray
St. Joseph’s Academy
High School Highlights: First Honors for all four years, Theatre, Varsity Softball, National Honor Society, National English Honors Society, National French Honors Society, Earth Angels Environmental Club, Diversity Club
What’s Next: Natalie is excited to attend Marquette University where she’ll study English and Theatre Arts. She received the Pere Marquette Scholarship, Arts and Sciences Dean’s Scholarship, National Merit Scholarship from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation and National Merit Scholarship from Marquette University.
Favorite Academy Memory: My all-time favorite class was Seventh Class literature with Ms. Walsh. I also loved my French class of five people for my last couple years at the school! My favorite traditions were Congé (both leading and experiencing), the Fun Run, the Eighth Class dance in the talent show, and the Eighth Class lock-in.
“I loved ASH and truly do cherish the 10 years I spent there. I love visiting, because just the building itself, even if it’s empty, makes me feel like I’m back in middle school!”
Claudia Parvis
Cor Jesu Academy
High School Highlights: High Honors, Varsity Soccer Captain, Senior Class Board, National Honor Society, ECHO Club
What’s Next: Claudia will be attending Saint Louis University where she’ll study Occupational Therapy.
“I loved ASH especially Congé and graduation. Some of my best friends still today are from ASH. I love seeing people from ASH and getting to catch up with them!”
Zoe Parvis
Cor Jesu Academy
High School Highlights: High Honors for all 4 years, NHS, Tennis team, C.A.R.E. Club, Benin Babies Club, Penny Queen apparel designer
What’s Next: Zoe will be heading to New York to attend the Fashion Institute of Technology where she’ll study Fashion Business Management.
“The people I met and relationships that I made at ASH have been my favorite part of my experience! ASH always meant so much to my family, and I can honestly say it means just as much to me. I learned so much about working hard, being a good person, and building relationships with others, and I definitely used that knowledge in all four years of high school and will continue to use it my whole life.”
Brooke Plessner
St. Joseph’s Academy
High School Highlights: First Honors for all four years, Varsity Volleyball, National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, Science Honor Society, History Honor Society, Math Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, Spirit Club, Pro-Life Club
What’s Next: Brooke will be attending Missouri State University to play beach volleyball and study pre-med. She received a Dean’s Scholarship and Beach Volleyball Scholarship.
Favorite Academy Memory: Some of my favorite memories include Congé, Field Day and Country Fair (especially because it was always the same day or weekend as my birthday)! I was honored to receive the Sacred Heart Award and will never forget that moment.
Sam Schilling
St. Dominic High School
High School Highlights: Varsity Tennis, Cross Country, Track and Field, Peer Ministry, Football Drone Manager, Head of House
What’s Next: Sam will be attending the University of Missouri—Columbia to study Architecture.
Victor Stefanescu
Saint Louis University High
High School Highlights: Principal’s Leadership Award, Tennis, Student Council Spirit Leader, Senior Advisor, Admissions Ambassador, Youth Leadership St. Louis, Swim team manager, member of ACES (club aimed at promoting racial justice)
What’s Next: Victor is excited to attend Boston College. “College is my biggest motivator right now; I’m looking forward to the change that will come with the new environment.”
“Everyone in the ASH Class of 2016 has developed beautifully. We all are bold leaders who still strive to emphasize the values of the Academy in our young-adult lives. I think that’s pretty cool.”
Callum Stewart
High School Highlights: First Honors, National Honor Society, Cross Country, Varsity Captain Cross Country, Assistant Coach Tennis, Varsity Track, Varsity Bowling, Varsity Brothers in Prayer, Kairos Leader, Eagle Scout
What’s Next: Callum will be attending the University of Missouri – Columbia and plans to study Business/Accounting. He received the Excellence Scholarship.
Favorite Academy Memory: My favorite memories of the Academy are all the community-building events like Congé, Mission Day, and Camp Lakewood.
“I’m really grateful for my time spent at ASH because my teachers always taught me the value of hard work and being prepared.”
TJ Thomas
Saint Louis University High
High School Highlights: First Honors, Hockey, Tennis
What’s Next: TJ plans to study Civil Engineering at the University of Alabama. He received a Collegiate Scholar Scholarship.
Favorite Academy Memory: Eighth Class lock-in
Jade Timmons
Duchesne High School
High School Highlights: President’s List (highest honors), National Honor Society, Student Ambassadors, House Officer, Key Club Officer, Varsity Crew at St. Louis Rowing Club, Tennis, Science Olympiad
What’s Next: Jade will be heading to Baylor University to study Medical Humanities and Political Science. She received a Provost’s Gold Scholarship.
“My time at the Academy was special to me because of all the life-long friendships I made, which I still hold dear to me today. My class at ASH had such a special bond and am so grateful for the experience.”
Victoria Unnerstall
St. Joseph’s Academy
High School Highlights: 1st honors on the Honor Roll, Basketball & Track, Angels in Prayer Club, Club Sandwich, Spanish Honors Society, Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honors Society)
What’s Next: Victoria will be attending Franciscan University to study Biochemistry and she’ll be playing basketball. She received a Dean’s Scholarship & St. Michael’s Scholarship.
Emily Wittenauer
Incarnate Word Academy
High School Highlights: Honor Roll, Top 10% of class, Young Alumni Award, Student Council President, National Honor Society, Thespian officer
What’s Next: Emily will be studying nursing at Saint Louis University. She received a Vice President Scholarship and Presidential Finalist Scholarship.
Favorite Academy Memory: Eighth Class lock-in was such a fun experience with my class and teachers and being on campus at all hours of the night.
“I always will thank ASH for my strong academic and leadership foundation. I will be forever grateful for the life skills I learned there.”
Kandace Ziercher
Incarnate Word Academy
High School Highlights: Honor Roll, National Honors Society, Family Leader, Ambassadors, GIFT Club, Varsity Tennis
What’s Next: Kandace will be heading to the University of Arkansas to study nursing. She received a New Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship Award.
Favorite Academy Memory: I loved the recess breaks with my friends. Those were always the best!
“The Academy made such a memorable and meaningful impact on my life thus far. The academic rigor that was taught and the life-long friends I met at ASH continually gives my soul an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. I couldn’t be more grateful to have been/still be a part of such a great community.”