Celebrating St. Philippine’s Feast Day

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On Friday, Nov. 18, the Academy will celebrate the Feast Day of our foundress, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne. In anticipation of the feast, Sixth Class students will present their annual play about Philippine’s life on Wednesday, Nov. 16, in Cribbin Hall (9 and 9:40 a.m. performances).

We look forward to welcoming Duchesne High School students to our 9:30 a.m. liturgical celebration in Rauch Memorial gym on Friday. Mass will be the culmination of their walking pilgrimage—one that features a Eucharistic procession and veneration in the Shrine of St. Philippine Duchesne. The Duchesne community engages in the pilgrimage every few years, so that each student is able to experience it at least once during their time at Duchesne.

Academy students should wear their dress uniform on Friday. A Feast Day collection of boxed items for New Hope Food Pantry is being sponsored by our Social Justice Committee.
