Teamwork Pays Off

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I’d like to share a story that filled me with pride. I hope it fills you with pride that your child is a member of this Sacred Heart school!

Last week our Seventh Class students attended their annual two-day trip to Camp Lakewood. At Lakewood the students engage in activities that develop what are referred to as the soft skills: self-awareness, resiliency, persistence, listening and team building. It is an opportunity not only for personal growth but for class community building.

This year, the Seventh Class girls achieved something that some 30 other school groups haven’t accomplished in more than two years. By working together, with cooperative listening, problem solving, persistence, perseverance and attentiveness to the task, they were the first group to find a buried treasure (t-shirts, toys and souvenirs) that was hidden in the summer of 2014. The Camp Lakewood staff were impressed by these Academy students—in every way!

Teamwork paid off. Congratulations to our Seventh Class students! Congratulations to their teachers! And, congratulations to you, our Academy parents!
