I think I say this every year, but I love new school years! I like fresh notebooks, new uniforms, sharpened pencils and new textbooks. Most of all, I deeply appreciate new beginnings and hopeful possibilities pertaining to growth and development on every level.
It is always easiest to see (and certainly easier to monitor) academic growth. We will notice new concepts, new connections, new thinking skills and broadened understandings in our children. What is always more difficult to measure is their spiritual, social, relational, and behavioral development. Taking time to consciously focus on all aspects of a child’s maturation process has always been the mark of Sacred Heart education.
Thank you, in advance, for your partnership as Sacred Heart educators, by not only fanning the flames of academic and conceptual development, but by helping us to foster self-awareness, self-acceptance, compassion, service, communication, new frames of reference for interpreting others’ behaviors, and new ways of knowing the Mystery of God’s Goodness, Grace and Love.
In launching this year, I look forward with joy and curiosity to the growth and development of “our dear children” on every level. Additionally, I most certainly look forward to working with each of you throughout the year as we engage in this sacred task of Sacred Heart education together!
—Maureen Glavin, rscj