ASH Alums Continue Christmas Basket Tradition

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Alums of all ages turned out last night—in spite of the usual demands of a busy holiday season—to pack more than 50 Christmas Baskets to be added to the school’s traditional liturgy this morning.  In this, the third year of this “Alumni Christmas Basket Gathering” event, more than $800 was donated by alums, allowing Chairs Charla Niccoli Dziedzic ’75 and Barb Luszkowski ’72 to go on a shopping spree so prodigious that they had to call a third alumna to provide more van space.
Besides the 50 laundry baskets they had purchased (when they were on sale), they were laden with fifty 10-pound sacks of potatoes, 50 bags of oranges, etc., etc., etc.. Not only did the group activate an assembly line to knock off the fun chore of loading these 50 planned gifts, but they also juggled the additional foodstuffs and paper products that were brought in by the carload that night.  And—best of all—they celebrated together with food, drink and good cheer in the place that had given them so many wonderful memories of past Christmases.

Merry Christmas, Academy alums!
