Personal Growth

Next Tuesday’s General PCC Meeting at 7:00 in Rauch Memorial Gym will include distribution of the first trimester report cards. We look forward to seeing you there!
Prior to distribution of report cards, Mrs. Jen Ruffino (PCC President), Mrs. Renken and I will circle back with more information, based on feedback from the Forward Focused Forum, in an attempt to answer your questions and respond to topics you may still be wondering about.
As adults, we can help facilitate our children’s growth MOST when we help them understand how to make wise choices in their lives. A report card is part of the feedback loop—what worked…what didn’t work…what might work better. A new pattern of behaviors (some different choices) might be tried, which might result in a different outcome. Or, the choices the student made might be affirmed to reinforce some healthy and helpful patterns. Asking the questions and engaging your child in the self-reflection process is a precious and privileged part of his or her growth and development.

You might enjoy the series of podcasts and videos linked below, which use the “Love and Logic” technique. They’re very consistent with Goal 5 of Sacred Heart education: Personal Growth in an Atmosphere of Wise Freedom.
See you next Tuesday evening!

Sister Glavin
