New Traffic Flow on the Academy Campus

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Changes made to the south side of campus this summer have created new ways of entering and exiting campus!

Instructions for entering campus during arrival and dismissal (7:40–8:00 a.m. and 3:15–3:45 p.m.)


For the DECATUR and PRE-PRIMARY arrival/dismissal site, follow the BLUE LINE in the diagram. The procedure is the same as in previous years. Take a left from 4th Street into the campus, veer left at the Sacred Heart statue, and pull forward until all cars stop. Once all the children in the car line have been dropped off or picked up, exit onto Decatur.  Please note:

  • Pre-Primary families will wait in line while older children enter or exit cars, then pull all the way forward to the Ohmes Family Circle to drop off or pick up their PP child.
  • No passing is allowed.

For the SHRINE arrival/dismissal site, follow the GOLD LINE in the diagram. Travel south on 2nd Street, take a right into the campus, and stay to the right, pulling forward around the curve until all cars stop. Once all the children in the car line have been dropped off or picked up, exit onto Clark.

  • If traveling north on 2nd Street, no left turn into campus is allowed.
  • Do NOT line up in the Shrine site for dismissal before 3:15 p.m.
  • Vehicles waiting in line on 2nd Street should pull to the right, onto the shoulder, so as not to block thru traffic.

For the CLARK STREET arrival/dismissal site, follow the GREEN LINE in the diagram. Take a left into the campus from the second (NEW)4th Street entrance and pull forward until all cars stop (initially, on 4th, these cars need to be in the middle lane). Once all the children in the car line have been dropped off or picked up, exit onto Clark.

Instructions for entering campus during non-arrival or non-dismissal times

  • Traveling south on 2nd Street, turn right into the campus. Park in the Visitor and Shrine parking lot or next to the soccer field. (If traveling north on 2nd Street, no left turn into campus is allowed.) Exit via Clark Street or 2nd Street.
  • From Clark Street, park next to the soccer field or in the Visitor and Shrine parking lot. Exit via Clark Street or 2nd Street.
  • From 4th Street, turn left into the first school entrance and park in the Faculty, Staff & Event parking lot. Exit via NEW 4th Street entrance.
  • Traffic will be restricted in certain areas on campus during school hours (as indicated in green on the diagram).
  • The Decatur Street entrance is for delivery access only.

If you have questions about any of the traffic directives described above, please call the school office at 636-946-6127. Thank you for your patience during this time of transition.

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