Dear Parents,
Filled with the joy of new beginnings, I look forward to welcoming you back to the Academy for the 2015–2016 school year! I do so with great assurance that each new year is an opportunity for growth as both our children and we, the adult community, continue to progress on our life’s journey to deeper union with the God of Life and Love!
The summer has gone by quickly. In addition to our normal preparations for a new year, we have spent a great deal of extra time listening to concerns that some of you have. We have been seriously engaged in a process of data gathering during June and July. Once the data is gathered and analyzed, changes as needed will be implemented.
To that end, we will be providing you information that I think will be helpful in what we are calling our “State of the School Report.” It will be sent out some time next week.
I eagerly anticipate seeing many of you, and your children, at the Back-to-School Sale next Wednesday, and at Open House on August 17.
In the spirit of the time-honored wisdom that is the gift of Sacred Heart education, we commit ourselves anew to partnering with you in the raising of our collective children to become fully whole and holy human beings. Let us launch our year of partnership with a prayer that we are open, energized, and united in heart and mind for the journey of the year before us!
With Joy and Union in the Heart of Christ,
Maureen Glavin, rscj