The Habit of Generosity

20141212_073358It is often easier for me to tell success stories of our alums who do well in the development of their mind: Successes in high school, college and career are bountiful and perhaps a bit more measurable. But, a Sacred Heart education is an education of both mind AND heart.

So, today I would like to tell a simple story of heart success. As you may know, Academy alumni have begun joining you, our generous and good parents, in collecting and donating baskets for distribution after our Christmas Basket mass. They began doing so last year. The work, energy and excitement about this among our alum leaders is a heart-success story, in and of itself! But, I want to tell a more singular story.

IMG_1169This week, a young alum who is doing a practicum in a medical career united her work colleagues to join in creating a basket of food for our mass. Not only did they collect food, but they collected some money which is allowing the alum basket coordinators to fill out a few other baskets. The FACT that she did this (while still in college) is indeed indicative of a beautiful heart. But the fact that she did this and dropped the basket off at the Academy with such JOY and LOVE moved me to gratitude, awe and tears!

Children of the Sacred Heart really DO become, each in their own way:

Courageous and confident leaders who know and love God, and who reveal that love by serving others!

Developing the habit of generosity is something our students become practiced in. Not only do they learn it from you, their parents, by watching YOU be generous, they have opportunities to engage in generous activities themselves. Advent opportunities included:

  • The toy drive
  • The Middle School Adopt-a-Family
  • The Christmas baskets
  • The visits to nursing homes

By engaging in acts of selfless service, each of us becomes ever more heart-ready for God to be born anew in the world through us.

Thank you for manifesting God’s Goodness and Love through your acts of generosity. And, thank you for partnering with us and allowing your children to manifest God’s Love by engaging in acts of generosity. May God’s Love continue to be made more manifest in this world which so desperately needs it!

With deep and loving gratitude and wishes for a beautiful, joy-filled, love-filled Christmas,

Maureen Glavin, rscj
