As we circle into yet another season of Lent I have a prayer for myself and a prayer for this community. My prayer is that we engage in our Lenten observations, fasts, prayers and alms as a means of consciously choosing to enter more deeply into our relationship with God.
In making some of our Lenten choices, we first have to acknowledge our limitations. By doing so, we remind ourselves that we sometimes engage in actions, attitudes, behaviors and choices which are not healthy for ourselves or our relationships. It is never easy to be totally honest with ourselves about our dark places.
The question each of us needs to ask is, when and how do I act out of my:
- compulsion,
- fears,
- anxieties,
- bad habits.
The Lenten choice is to do the opposite. While the choice may, at times, seem (feel) like a ‘lack,’ a ‘suffering,’ the end result is FREEDOM, LIFE and LOVE!
A happy, wholly holy Lent to each one,
Sister Glavin