Important Announcement

Chemin de Fer

Grab your lederhosen and dirndl and join us May 3, 2025, as we venture to Germany! Our chairs, Nathan and Lindsay White and Jerry and Emily Perez ask you to join us in planning this exciting night of fundraising and fellowship. This event needs many hands, and we are asking for your time, talent and treasure to make it a success.

Why the Academy?

The Academy of the Sacred Heart is an independent Catholic school open to 3-year-old through 8th grade children of all faiths. Our program offers students the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe and happy environment, with a focus on building strong academic skills while fostering independent learning and communication. Curriculum highlights include: two Science labs, a Makerspace, 1:1 computing, French and Spanish, daily Physical Education, and recognized art, music and athletic programs.

Founded in 1818 by St. Philippine Duchesne, the Academy was the first of many Sacred Heart schools established in the United States. Our mission is to educate and inspire the heart and mind of each child to become a courageous and confident leader who knows and loves God, and who reveals that love by serving others. Our graduates are young men and women well prepared for the challenges of high school, college, and beyond.

Visit our Admissions page for more information.

ISACS Provisional Member SchoolNiche A+ School, click to read more!


Busy? Need to Renew? Join us April 7-11 for a Busy Person’s Retreat (BPR). This week-long retreat is an invitation to live mindfully in the midst of busy days.

We’re off to Neverland! The Peter Pan Jr. cast and crew, along with Mrs. Alarcon, Mrs. Foor, and Ms. Weiss, have been working hard to transport audiences. Join us on this magical journey for our spring musical.

Shark Tank Students

February 26, 2025

Last week, four additional groups of Eighth Class students shared their Shark Tank ideas to faculty/staff, peers, and “Sharks.” The projects were Bark Bot, PJP Headwear, Creamy Whip, and Beginners Guide to Fishing.

Heat-Up St. Louis

February 17, 2025

Did you see our students at Hardee’s Friday morning? They were greeting patrons and collecting donations for Heat-Up St. Louis, a non-profit charity that focuses on helping area elderly and disabled people and low-income families with their heating bills!

Summer at the Academy

January 24, 2025

Join us for Summer Camps at the Academy! From five weeks of themed-fun for little ones to St. Louis Ambush Soccer Camp to Camp Invention and Showtime! Presents, there’s something for everyone. All are welcome!

For more information and to sign up, click here.

From the Heart, Community Voices

Community Voices

From the Heart

March 13, 2025

This week, Mr. Horner shares gratitude for one of our beloved RSCJ, Sister Margaret Munch, as well as news to honor her in the months ahead.

One the great privileges of serving as the 46th Head of School has been the blessing of the presence and insight from Sister Margaret Munch. Her deep faith and love for Philippine are palpable. Today I am sharing that Sister Munch will move to Oakwood, the RSCJ retirement community in Atherton, CA, this summer.

Our community will surely miss her in St. Charles. Before she departs, it is my pleasure to announce that we will recognize Sister Munch as the Honorary Chair of Chemin de Fer in May. There could be no more appropriate person than Sister as we celebrate, honor, and appreciate her imprint on so many.

School Calendar

The Goals of Sacred Heart Education

A personal and active faith in God.
A deep respect for intellectual values.
A social awareness which impels to action.
The building of community as a Christian value.
Personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.